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乔治波治,布丁和派。Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie.

我想是乔吉让我开始攀岩的。I guess it was Georgie who got me climbing.

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虽然这样说很傻,但是乔吉教会我许多关于攀岩的事情。As silly as it sounds, Georgie taught me a lot about climbing.

来点本尼迪克特点心还是佛罗伦萨糕点?等等,乔治娅,昨晚我只喝了苏打。Do you want. florentine or benedict?Wait. I was drinking soda, Georgie.

就在我八岁要离开非洲的时候,乔吉被毒蛇咬死了。When I was 8, just before we left Africa, Georgie was killed by a snakebite.

我只告诉你,因为你是我的朋友。"I can only tell you because you are my friend, " confesses my durrie-loving buddy Georgie.

评论员乔吉翰林是塔科马,华盛顿州一位作家和教师,她嫁给了上尉马克斯翰林,这个营一个连长。Commentator Georgie Hanlin is a writer and a teacher in Tacoma, Wash. She is married to Capt.

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乔治娅总能把你体内的恶魔招出来。我内心某处总觉得她没来有些遗憾。Georgie always brought out the devil in you. Part of me is a little disappointed she's not here.

乔琪勉强挤出一个不自然的笑容,这人说的都是实话,只是听起来很没人情味。Georgie forced out a tight smile, what the man had said was the truth but it just sounded too lack of human touch.

切尔西俱乐部希望乔治亚和萨莫尔能来斯坦福桥为他们的父亲获得更多的胜利而呐喊。Chelsea look forward to welcoming Georgie and Summer to Stamford Bridge and for them to cheer Dad on to more success.

托尼自去年五月,生下龙凤胎乔治·约翰和萨茉尔·罗丝后,暂停了她美容师的工作,成为一位全职妈妈。Toni suspended her career as a beautician to become a full-time mum after the birth of twins Georgie John and Summer Rose last May.

这张碟把杰克和吉尔,乔治·坡吉,玛丽和她的小羊这些故事揉在一起,让他们去参加在英国小镇上的科尔国王的生日宴席。Join Jack and Jill, Georgie Porgie, and Mary and her little lamb as they take a journey to King Cole's birthday party in London town.

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Georgie项目于是他展开了Georgie项目,对葡萄牙水犬的基因进行研究。这种品种的狗的体型大小范围在25磅到75磅之间。So he began the Georgie project, studying the genes of the Portuguese water dog, a breed that comes in a wide range of sizes from 25 pounds to 75 pounds.

不,先生们,你可以直直地盯着他的眼睛说,“孩子,爷爷当年正和伟大的第三集团军和狗娘养的乔治·巴顿并肩作战!””No, Sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say, "Son, your Granddaddy rode with the Great Third Army and a Son-of-a-Goddamned-Bitch named Georgie Patton!""