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宿醉是危险的。Hangover is dangerous.

约翰睡了一觉,才从宿醉中醒来。John is sleeping off the hangover.

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不要在我宿醉后还要叫我跑步。Do not make me run with this hangover.

这里有一个宿醉第二部分看看。Here's a look at The Hangover Part II.

当宿醉时,运动将产生什么结果?What Happens if I Exercise With a Hangover?

喝完酒后,若有宿醉的情形,可以喝绿茶。Green tea is good for hangover after drinking.

我还从没宿醉过。And I have never had a hangover in my life before.

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格拉斯人仿佛宿醉醒来,头痛如裂。The people of Grasse awoke to a terrible hangover.

建议开瓶后醒酒1个小时。Recommendations corkage 1 hours after the hangover.

我们现在的情形仿佛就是那个时期的遗风。Where we are now seems like a hangover of that period.

大规模的通货再膨胀将带来令人讨厌的债务遗留问题。The great reflation will come with a nasty debt hangover.

他吃早餐时两眼模糊,宿醉未醒。He appeared at the breakfast bleary-eyed and with a hangover.

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今早从宿醉中醒来,我妈用一种奇怪的眼神看着我。Today, I woke up with a hangover and my mom standing over me.

我们很清楚解酒药并不能真正地解酒。We are clear that drugs are not really anti-alcohol hangover.

脱水是宿醉症状的主要原因之一。Dehydration is one of the main causes of your hangover symptoms.

信仰行走在玻璃渣子之上,宿醉的纠灼依旧满是肝肠。Your faith walks on broken glass, And the hangover doesn't pass.

然后我说“你喝柠檬水是想避免宿醉?”I said "So are you drinking lemonade to avoid a hangover tonight"?

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在一家汽车旅馆醒来后,我一是感到醉酒之后的头痛,二是看到一个陌生女人。I woke up in a motel with a horrible hangover and a strange woman.

一套更广泛的政策可以更快地帮助解决这种头重脚轻的局面。A broader set of policies could help to work off the hangover faster.

不过即使如此,你还是迫切的希望能减轻宿醉所带来的副作用。But even still, you're desperate to soften the edge of this hangover.