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永恒之水从表面看都是活的。Immortal water, alive even to the superficies.

近现代地上权肇端于罗马法。The modern superficies systems stem from Roman Law.

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孩子,每个人看到的,都是生活的表象。Kids, what everyone can see is the superficies of life.

第二部分是空间地上权的基础理论。The second part is the fundamental theory of space superficies.

第三章是对国有土地使用权法律性质的研究,也是本文的核心部分。Then compares the land-use right with the superficies and the estate.

不要相信任何人,所有的事情都与表面现象大相径庭!Do not trust anybody, all things are widely divergent with their superficies.

空间地上权指的是利用他人土地上下一定范围的空间建造工作物的权利。Space superficies is the right that build constructions in the space up or under other's land.

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地上权人或永佃权人得向土地所有权人请求相当之补偿。The superficies or the permanent lease obligee shall claim for equivalent compensation to the landowner.

其中,物权性质的空间使用权又分为空间地上权和空间役权。Among them, the space using right of property is divided into superficies of space and easements of space.

故立法设计上宜参考日本模式,赋予地上权人续期请求权和购买请求权。So people in possession of superficies should be endued with the right of applying for postponement and purchase.

不可过用耗伤正气,用量宜小,宜用轻宣之剂,以能透邪为度。The dose should be proper and releasing dosage form should be used with the degree which can relieve superficies.

空间地上权的确立对一个国家的法学理论的完善和社会经济的发展都具有重要意义。The establishment of space superficies is important for a country's law theory and the development of social economy.

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地上权是用益物权的一种,肇始于罗马法,并为大陆法系国家民法所继承。As one of usufruct, superficies originated from Roman law, was carried down through national civil law of the Continental law family.

我国正在制定中的物权法使用“地上权”概念和确立地上权制度是理性选择。Therefore, it is a reasonable alternative to clearly definite "superficies" and establish the system of superficies in making the real-right law.

其原有之合法建筑物所有权、地上权、永佃权或耕地三七五租约消灭或终止。The formerly owned legal building ownership, superficies rights, tenant farmer rights or cultivate land 375 leasing deeds will be revoked or terminated.

本课题从理论研究和实验研究两方面对透表解毒法治疗呼吸道病毒性疾病进行了探讨。This lesson studies relieving superficies and detoxicating therapy treating the virus infection of respiratory tract disease from theories to experiments.

因主张时效完成,申请地上权或地役权登记时,应提出占有范围位置图。A location map of occupancy shall be submitted upon the application for a registration of superficies or easement, if they are created based on a positive prescription.

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大陆法系各国突破传统民法理论,赋予空间独立的物权客体地位,从而创制了空间权制度,这主要表现为扩张地上权客体范围规定空间地上权。Superficies are an important usufructuary right in the civil law of the continental law system and space superficies is one of superficies established on the space or the land.

十二皮部是十二经脉功能活动反映于体表的部位,也是络脉之气散布之所在。The Twelve Cutaneous Regions refer to the body superficies on which the functions of the Twelve Regular Meridians are reflected, and the sites where the Qi of the collaterals spreads.

第108条于一宗土地内就其特定部分申请设定地上权、永佃权、地役权或典权登记时,应提出位置图。Article 108 A location map shall be submitted upon the application for a registration of superficies , permanent lease, easement or dien, if they are created over specific parts of a land.