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为什么会这么混乱呢?Why all this commotion?

对于这一切骚动,托尔斯泰几乎无知无觉。Tostoy was hardly aware of all the commotion.

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喧闹过后,她平安无恙,世贸没被拉倒。After all the commotion she is safe and sound.

一大群市民聚集起来看热闹。A large group of citizens gathered to watch the commotion.

正要去金矿时,发生了一起突然的骚动。Waiting for a tour of the mine, there's a sudden commotion.

那条狗在教会横冲直撞,大家一时惊慌失措。The dog ran through the church and caused quite a commotion.

他知道惊乱会致使眼镜蛇受惊咬人。He knows the commotion would frighten the cobra into striking.

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第五章是对辛亥革命前十年间民变的思考。Chapter V is the decade before the Revolution of the civil commotion.

银庄老板出来看看外面的骚动是怎么回事。The president of the bank came out to see what the commotion was about.

他们后面的走廊里,在警卫和来迟的观众间掀起一阵骚动。A commotion arose in the aisle behind them among police guards and late comers.

BB本来正常的黉舍生涯被一个名叫艾斯的人骚动扰攘侵犯了。BB had normal Hong shekels career by a man named ace commotion bustle violated.

在所有这些骚动背后的始作俑者,是那些来自网络时代的短线交易员。Behind all of this commotion are day traders, those creatures of the dot-com era.

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很快我靠近出事的那个右转弯处了。Before long, I had come quite close to the right-hand-turn with all the commotion.

我们要为这票货物投保罢工、暴动和民变险。We ask to cover this consignment against Risks of Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion.

那只小猎狗听到动静,也从谷仓里跑出来,加入了追捕行动。The cocker spaniel heard the commotion and he ran out from the barn to join the chase.

你想要逃避华尔街的喧闹骚动,可以参观附近的南街海港。To escape the commotion of WallStreet , you can visit the nearby South Street Seaport.

玉香以为爱善被有礼勾引到屋里,冲到有礼家大闹。Yuxiang assumed Aishan has been seduced by Youli and created a commotion inside his house.

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中国的骚动“是好的,因为我们触到了税收的痛处并且会引发真正的讨论。”The commotion in China "is good, as we are stirring the tax pot and getting real discussion."

你不再需要去制造一场骚乱,而会有用暂停来寻求机遇的智慧。You'll have less need to make a commotion and the wisdom to pause as you look for your opening.

普路同在我们炽热的大地下面的权势似乎被看不见的混乱粉碎了。The reign of Pluto , which spreads beneath our burning fields, seems rent with unseen commotion.