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那些小鸟正在长羽毛。The nestlings are feathering out.

这只幼雕已开始长出羽毛。The young eagle has begun feathering.

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腿部和腹部的羽状饰毛适中。Feathering on the legs and belly is moderate.

大,强壮而紧凑,趾间可有羽状附毛。Fairly large, strong, compact, may have feathering between toes.

保存在你的唇上口红而且除去用羽毛复盖和弄脏。Keep lipstick on your lips and eliminate feathering and smudging.

耳朵边缘、腿、臀部和尾巴上有羽状饰毛。Feathering may occur on the ear fringes, legs, breeching , and tail.

创造了大型轴流转桨机组安装奇迹。It created the wonder of installing large axial-flow feathering unit.

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潮流的影响,常常会使拖缆偏离船只的航线。Currents often cause feathering of the cable away from the ship's path.

有很长的耳朵,尾巴,腹部和四肢回羽。There is long feathering on the ears, tail, stomach and back of the limbs.

所有的被毛和羽状饰毛都很平直,尽可能没有卷曲或波浪状毛发。All coat and feathering as straight and free as possible from curl or wave.

羽速基因对固始鸡各阶段的死亡率无显著影响。The motility of Gushi Chicken was not affected by the feathering growth gene.

类似的,不足的羽化则会导致套索边缘区域出现明显的锯齿。Likewise, not enough feathering will produce a vivid jagged edge to the lasso area.

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短而有光泽,从细腻而紧贴身体到略显粗糙都可以,没有饰毛。Short and glossy, ranging from fine and close to slightly harsh with no feathering.

他们得到了一种印象,好像每个在这里的人都是为了私利而来政府工作的。They get the impression that everybody is here for the purpose of feathering his nest.

前腿长有短毛,但在腿的后面混有许多长长的饰毛。The forelegs have short hair blending into profuse feathering on the backs of the legs.

万物朝气蓬勃的春天,无数的野鸟或猎鸟在筑巢。It is in the flush of spring, and innumerable wild or game birds are seen feathering their nests.

政府部分发现他利用职务之便中饱私囊,警察因此逮捕了他。The government office found feathering his own nest through his position was arrested by the police.

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有很高的机率发生接触传染,羽毛发育不好,而且容易得疾病。There is a high incidence of physical defects, poor feathering and being prone to a lot of diseases.

你可以容易看出夸张的羽毛似的蓬松的毛发。In this beautiful head study, you can easily see the exaggerated feathering that forms the fluffy coat.

治愈后,灌装机,磨毛它的顺利,我们以100砂纸,羽化毗邻的木头。After the filler cured, we sanded it smooth with 100-grit sandpaper, feathering it into the adjacent wood.