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有巢氏阶段的文化遗存为凌家滩遗址。The cultural bequeath of Youchao is Ling-jia-tan site.

大多数人把他们的财产遗留给他们的配偶和孩子们。Most people bequeath their property to their spouses and children.

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我把我的颈圈、皮带、外套和雨衣遗留给牠。To him I bequeath my collar and leash and my overcoat and raincoat.

每一天玫瑰都会凋谢当无法向任何人传送它的神赐…And every day, the rose wilted unable to bequeath its gift to anyone.

你们能够留赠给这个焦渴世界的,是自由之光。And what you can bequeath to this anxious world is the light of liberty.

他临终时要求将自己的心脏送回华沙。It was to Warsaw that, at the end of his life, he would bequeath his heart.

牠们没有什麽值钱之物可以传给后代,除了爱与信念之外。There is nothing of value they have to bequeath except their love and their faith.

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正因为这样,我已决定将我的所有财产留给我唯一拥有的忠实朋友——拉尔夫。For this reason, I have decided to bequeath my entire fortune to the only loyal friend that I have, Ralph.

把我的颈圈、皮带、外套和雨衣留给他,这是您1929年在巴黎的赫耳墨斯为我定做的。To him I bequeath my collar and leash and my overcoat and raincoat, made to order in 1929 at Hermes in Paris.

我们所承继的是全球经济的残园断壁,而我们下定决心重建繁荣以遗子孙。Let us resolve to bequeath renewed prosperity to posterity, not a collapse of the global economy we inherited.

比如,有人可能会把生意遗留给子女,剩余的财产留给配偶。For example, an individual may bequeath a business to one child and the remainder of their estate to their spouse.

目前,这种希望已经导致一些人留下遗言,要将他们的尸体“冷冻起来”,希望将来能够复活。At the moment this hope leads some to bequeath their bodies to be "frozen" on their death, in the hope of some future resurrection.

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后来我决定将这些传奇的事讲给我自己的孩子,可能比另一个家人遗赠一床祖传被要好得多。I decided then and there to hand these legends down to my own children, much the way another family might bequeath a cherished homemade quilt.

由于明代细木家具用材都是坚固耐久的硬木,所以遗留于今天的珍品,为数不少。Because bright generation is fine, wooden furniture uses material is solid and fast hardwood, so bequeath the curiosa today, amount to is not little.

右眼面部相当于三叉神经下颌支分布区域和右侧颈部有疱疹遗留下的结痂。Right eye is facial be equivalent to trigeminal mandible raising distributinging area and on the right side of cervical those who bleb bequeath falls is scabby.

他可能是想为其继任者,可能是其三儿子,金正云行个方便,使他在执政时有个不那么被敌视的国际环境。The North Korean leader may want to bequeath to his successor, perhaps his third son, Kim Jong Un, an international environment that is less hostile to North Korea.

后位继承是遗产利益在继承过程中需要发生多次转移的产物,自罗马法的遗赠制度逐渐演化而来。Surrogate succession is an outcome of multiple transfers of estate interests in the process of succession evolving from the institution of bequeath in the Roman law.

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“耕读传家”在乡土社会中受到足够的尊重,形成足以吸引农家为之世代奋斗的内在精神动力。"Cultivation and read to bequeath to the family" is enough respect in country society, becoming the good enough to attraction farmer as inside spirit motive that its generation struggle.

高盛指出,持股大多集中于那些将大量资产遗留后人的富裕人士手中.来自发展中国家主权基金的需求将很可能吸收部分额外供应.且工作者亦延后退休.Goldman notes that equity holdings are skewed toward the wealthy, who bequeath much of their assets. Demand from sovereign funds in developing nations will likely absorb some of the extra supply.

古典诗歌的教学目的是传承文化遗产、培养学生的文学趣味、提高学生的诗歌鉴赏能力。The aim of teaching classical poems at college is to inherit and bequeath the cultural heritage, to foster students' taste and interest in literature, to develop students' poetic connoisseurship.