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我们欢迎批评。We welcomed criticism.

他的批评击中了要害。His criticism hit home.

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我愿意接受批评。I am open to criticism.

她的批评切中要害。Her criticism struck home.

她受不得批评。She can't stand criticism.

他降低了批评的调子。He toned down his criticism.

批评的声音也许还真是刺耳。This criticism may seem harsh.

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她的行为无可非议。Her conduct is above criticism.

特意的批评或虐待?Mean criticism or mistreatment?

扪心自问,这批评是对的吗?Ask if the criticism is helpful.

批评之声让柏林如芒在背。Such criticism stings in Berlin.

不过,有一些批评。There is though, some criticism.

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虚心接受批评。Take criticism with an open mind.

他对批评听不进去。He turned a deaf ear to criticism.

我们欢迎各种批评。We welcome all sorts of criticism.

他们的很多批评是不公正的。A lot of their criticism is unfair.

你必须学会接受批评。You must learn to accept criticism.

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你应该学会接受批评。You should learn to take criticism.

那么这次批评意味着什么呢?So what might the criticism signify?

预计到对话--以及批评。Expect a conversation--and criticism.