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另外一种约束是孤立系统。We could have isolated.

这是个别情况。These are isolated cases.

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一个国家不能闭关自守。A nation can't live isolated.

孤城杨柳晚来蝉。Isolated city willow late to cicadas.

提供了分离的多核苷酸。Isolated polynucleotides are provided.

尽管感到安全,但我还是觉得孤苦伶仃。While I felt safe, I was also isolated.

你现在的生活方法与世隔断。You are awefully isolated how you live.

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好,这是我们的孤立体系。OK, that's our familiar isolated system.

不要静止地孤立地看待事物。Don't view things as static and isolated.

不要静止地孤立地看待事物。Don't view things as static und isolated.

山洪从山上流下来,爱德华被冲到一个孤岛。Edward was drifted to an isolated island.

再不然,搬到荒岛去好了。Or better still, move to isolated island.

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那位作家把自己关在书房里。The writer isolated himself in his study.

你被隔断于一个复纯而空无的大陆。You're isolated in avast, empty continent.

你被隔绝于一个宏大而空无的大陆。You're isolated in avast, empty continent.

实际上它是个孤立系。In fact, the thermos is an isolated system.

在这段时期希腊人被孤立了The Greeks are isolated during this period.

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中国并没有被外部世界孤立。Chinais not isolated from the outside world.

他的行为将导致众叛亲离。His behavior will make him utterly isolated.

单独的石细胞也可以叫做异细胞。Isolated sclereids can be called idioblasts.