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总之,我在考虑来个生物学的社交探索,结合神经化学方面的专家知识。Anyway, I was thinking more of a bio- social exploration with a neurochemical overlay.

一种叫多巴胺的影响神经系统的化学物质从腹侧表皮释放到尾核状体。A neurochemical called dopamine is released from the ventral tegmental area into the caudate nucleus.

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现在,研究人员正在确定这些行为和生理影响后面的神经化学机制。Now researchers are identifying the neurochemical mechanisms behind these behavioral and physiological effects.

由于我们多数人都并没意识到,这是一种细微的影响神经系统的化合物作用在涂改我们的印象,我们很容易陷入互相责备。Since most of us don't realize that subtle neurochemical shifts are coloring our views, we tend to blame each other.

它是一个更广泛的行为和决策模型,神经事件只是被牵扯其中。it is a process whereby neurochemical events get entrained within in a larger pattern of action and decision making.

在她的研究中,她最先利用造影技术来探讨成瘾相关的神经化学变化。In her research, she was first to use imaging technology to investigate neurochemical changes associated with addiction.

如果这是正确的结论,那么我们还没有揭露在奖惩系统中,神经科学家关于上瘾的解释。If this is right, then we haven't discovered, in the reward reinforcement system, a neurochemical signature of addiction.

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将上述事情,与所有的行为,都是神经化学生理过程的结果,这样的概念联系在一起是有些困难的It might be hard to mesh this with the conception in which all actions are the result of neurochemical physical processes.

结论血清S100B可以用作评估急性颅脑损伤预后的神经化学标志物。Conclusion Serum S100B can be a clinically practical neurochemical marker to predict prognosis of acute craniocerebral injury.

研究员提到,这一心理可能和狂躁的躁郁症有的神经化学特征。Some researchers suggest this mental state might share neurochemical characteristics with the manic phase of manic depression.

一些研究员提到,这一心理状态可能和狂躁状态的躁郁症有相同的神经化学特征。Some researchers suggest this mental state might share neurochemical characteristics with the manic phase of manic depression.

催产素,经常看我博客的读者都知道,是信任、共情和社会联结的神经化学基础。Oxytocin, as frequent readers of The Moral Molecule know, is the neurochemical basis for trust, empathy, and social connection.

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最后,我们也会介绍脑部疾病的神经化学基础以及控制睡眠和意识,学习和记忆的系统。Finally, we cover the neurochemical bases of brain diseases and those systems which control sleep and consciousness, learning and memory.

丘比特的箭药首先是你大脑的最原始部分中的一系列影响神经系统,被称为多巴胺的化学物质,这就是哺乳动物大脑。Cupid's ammo is the first of a series of neurochemical impulses in a primitive part of your brain known as the limbic system -- or “mammalian brain.

丘比特的箭药首先是你大脑的最原始部分中的一系列影响神经系统,被称为多巴胺的化学物质,这就是哺乳动物大脑。Cupid’s ammo is the first of a series of neurochemical impulses in a primitive part of your brain known as the limbic system -- or “mammalian brain.”

嗜睡症似乎是由基因遗传导致的,该遗传会是人体无法吸收或产生足够的神经下视丘分泌素。Narcolepsy is apparently caused by a genetic glitch that prevents the body from either absorbing or producing enough of the neurochemical hypocretin.

据认为,阻止身体吸收或产生足够的影响神经系统的下丘脑分泌素的基因失灵引起嗜眠症。Narcolepsy is thought to be caused by a genetic glitch that prevents the body from either absorbing or producing enough of the neurochemical hypocretin.

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购物清单上的物品,长除法法则,以及妈妈烘培的饼干的特殊味道,这些记忆都产生于复杂的化学神经系统。The items on a left-behind grocery list, long division or the smell of our moms' cookies -- they're all stimulated by a complicated neurochemical process.

成瘾者观看其他人吸食毒品的录影带,或是看到任何与他们使用的毒品相关的东西,也会产生同样的神经化学反应。And this is the very same neurochemical response that happens when addicts see a video of other people taking drugs or see anything to do with their drug of choice.

产生短暂混沌即人类意识的神经化学架构也许复杂到无法在数字化的硅元件上进行类比和重复。The neurochemical architecture that generates the ephemeral chaos we know as human consciousness may just be too complex and analog to replicate in digital silicon.