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他女儿是一个调皮的假小子。His daughter is a saucy tomboy.

那女孩戴了顶漂亮的新帽子。The girl was wearing a saucy new hat.

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这无礼的孩子伸出了她的舌头。The saucy child protruded her tongue.

可能是我太莽撞无礼,咄咄逼人了。Perhaps I was too saucy and provoking.

纯净喜悦与俏皮窥视!Pure peephole delight with saucy cut-outs!

我的同桌是一个活泼爽直的小男孩,他叫关博元。My deskmate is a saucy little boy, his name is Guan Boyuan.

她瘦高个,皮肤黝黑,有一双漂亮的大眼睛。She was tall, slim, rather swarthy , with large saucy eyes.

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活泼爽直的哈特福德姑娘马上修正他的主张。The saucy little girl from Hartford promptly corrected his idea.

他在想,她可能在面纱后面给了自己一个俏皮的一瞥。From under the veil, he thought he saw her give him a saucy glance.

'真能这样倒是不错,正好把它作个了结,'我说,尽量不冲撞她。"I wish I could, and be done with it," said I, trying not to be saucy.

先生,这个满嘴胡说八道的放肆家伙是谁?I pray you, sir, what saucy merchant was this, that was so full of his ropery?

在华语网站上激烈地辩论着,她漂亮的相片有着数以百万计的点击率。Hotly debated on Chinese-language Web sites, her saucy photos get millions of hits.

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浪漫、恋情和色色的调情让你兴奋,精神大振。Romance, love affairs and saucy flirtations could be exciting, and give you a real lift.

好,再见!先生,这个满嘴胡说八道的放肆家伙是谁?Marry, farewell! I pray you, sir, what saucy merchant was this, that was so full of his ropery ?

2005年,超级圣诞被释放,其主打单曲是“我回来了”,一个与歌手阿肯合作。In 2005, Super Saucy was released, its lead single being "Im Back", a collaboration with singer Akon.

英国帅哥班尼希尔以他的可爱幽默在世界扬名,诙谐的歌曲,动人的微笑。Britains saucy Benny Hill is known throughout the world for his racy humor, witty songs, and winning smile.

这可不只是一个戴个可爱的小贝雷帽,另一个裹着一条小皮短裤就能分得出来的。No, it's not that one is wearing a saucy little beret while the other is tucked into tiny pair of lederhosen.

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正如我列出的名作所说明的那样,浪漫,俏丽和令人不安的欲望之间通常是很难分辨的。The romantic, the saucy and the disturbingly kinky are often hard to tell apart as my list gently illustrates.

美国内战之中,一个有着卷曲头发,活泼眼睛的黑人小女奴争取着属于自己作为主人的权利。A little black slave girl of ante-bellum days, with crinkly hair and saucy eyes, demands her rights of her mistress.

先从踏车开始,知道你能在公园里随意行走,最后,去小道上行走。Commence with a treadmill until you feel comfortable with a saucy walk in the park, and then finally, graduate onto the track.