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冰草属的多倍体并非严格的同源多倍体。The type of polyploid in Agropyron was not strictly autoploid.

对于这一点,最主要的例外是杂种和多倍体物种。The main exceptions to this are hybrid and polyploid speciation.

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甜单303是甜菜遗传单粒型多倍体杂交种。The Tiandan303 is a genetic monogerm polyploid sugar beet hybrid.

而多倍体育种是近代作物育种常采用的一种方法。Now, polyploid breeding is a commonly used method in crop breeding.

多倍体是具有两套以上染色体的植物。A polyploid is a plant with more than two complete sets of chromosomes.

染色体减数分组较多发生于多倍体细胞中。Chromosome reductional grouping happened more frequently in polyploid cells.

提出了改进橡胶树倍性育种的途径与研究方向。Some helpful opinions on polyploid breeding of Hevea brasiliensis were proposed.

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亚致死温度是低温诱导多倍体的合适温度。Sublethal temperature might be suitable for polyploid inducement of cold shocks.

本文报道了利用人工处理诱导产生怀牛膝多倍体的育种方法。The authors used artificial method to produce polyploid of Achyranthes bidentata.

这说明利用气孔特征鉴定红掌多倍体是可靠的。This reveled that it was reliable to use the stoma characters to identify the polyploid.

单倍性、二倍性和多倍性多胚苗在作物育种上具有各自不同的意义。The haploid, diploid and polyploid PS materials have respectively special value in crop breeding.

结果表明,大鸭梨为倍性育种的优异种质资源。The results showed that Dayali pear is an excellent germplasm resource for pear polyploid breeding.

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利用RAPD分子标记技术对15个甜菜多倍体品种进行了遗传分析。Genetic analysis was conducted on genome DNAs from 15 polyploid sugarbeet varieties by RAPD markers.

四倍体品系选育是甜菜多倍体育种不可缺少的重要环节。It is extraordinarily important to select tetraploid lines for breeding sugar beet polyploid varieties.

与此同时,单倍体细胞逐渐减少,产生大量多倍体和非整倍体细胞。Meanwhile the ratio of haploid cell in the callus dropped gradually, and a lot of polyploid and aneuploid cells appeared.

这对二倍体植物起作用,但多数植物是多倍体,它们必定有多条性染色体。This works for diploid plants, but numerous plant species are polyploid and must therefore have multiple sex chromosomes.

多倍体之蕨类多行同配子体自交,反之,二倍体蕨类之配育则以异配子体交配为主。Intra gametophytic selfing is characteristic of polyploid species, where as most diploid species reproduce by inter gametophytic mating.

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由于许多多倍体物种是自身繁殖衍生,斯特宾斯的估计可能是更接近真正的多倍体物种形成率。Because many polyploidy species are themselves multiply derived, Stebbins' estimate is probably closer to the true polyploid speciation rate.

此外,我们已混淆了那些多倍体物种的物种比例估算率和多倍体物种的形成率。In addition, there has been confusion between estimates of the proportion of species that are polyploid and the rate of polyploid speciation.

采用多倍体诱导技术与杂交育种技术相结合的方法,育成桑树多倍体杂交组合粤桑11号。A new polyploid hybrid combination of mulberry, Yuesang 11, has been bred by the methods of artificial tetraploid induction and cross breeding.