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先知殉教者。A prophet martyr.

先知为何?What is a prophet?

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犹太教中的先知。Prophet of Judaism.

先知殉教者,没错。The martyr prophet exactly.

约翰可算是个倒运的预言家。John proved a false prophet.

他说,是个申言者。And he said, He is a prophet.

耶稣也是先知殉教者。Jesus also is a prophet martyr.

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我们如何报答这个先知?What shall we pay this prophet?

“我们如何报答这个先知?”“What shall we pay this prophet?

耶稣膏立他为先知先见。Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer.

于是先知耶利米就走了。And the prophet Jeremiah went his way.

可惜你不能未卜先知。The pity is that you are not a prophet.

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我感觉自己像是显身的圣者,像先知。I felt like a revelation, like a prophet.

阿以莎嫁给穆罕默德的时候才九岁。When the Prophet wed Aisha she was only 9.

还有谁是启示主义先知?保罗。Who else was an apocalyptic prophet? Paul.

穆圣确定穆斯林是的。The Prophet affirmed that the Muslims were.

我不过想见见这个奇怪的先知。I would but look at him this strange prophet.

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马奇亚维利将君王比作先知。Machiavelli compares the prince to a prophet.

自从伊利亚先知之后,从未有人见过上帝。No man hath seen God since the prophet Elias.

先知哈巴谷所得的默示。The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see.