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从控制你的花销开始。To begin, curb your spending.

中国消费者在烧钱。Chinese consumers are spending.

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信用卡跟踪我的消费。Credit cards track my spending.

如何控制乱花钱。How to control impulse spending.

买得少了,即花的少了。Buying less, means spending less.

我们把钱花在了哪里呢?Where are we spending this money?

我不主张无节制的消费。I am NOT advocating excess spending.

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避免花很多时间擦抹。Avoid spending a lot of time erasing.

我们全都是在外面过的夜。We are all spending the night outside.

就是‘指定拨款’和‘猪肉桶’支出。is earmarking and pork-barrel spending.

你有没有做过预算或者消费计划?Do you have a budget or a spending plan?

能在圆顶玻璃房里住上一个晚上是一件很神奇的事情。Spending a night in an igloo is magical.

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你花足够的时间求职了吗?Are you spending enough time job-hunting?

这可真是花钱买了一坨屎啊!Talk about spending money on crap, right?

那位新总统正在度过艰难时期。Thenew president is spending a hard time.

他由于大手大脚地花钱而负了大量的债。He contracted huge debts by rash spending.

和轻松愉快的朋友度过美好的时光。Spending time with a light-hearted friend.

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你会把你所有的时间都花在他身上的。You'll be spending all your time with him.

一个冷清的村庄,在帐篷中度过一晚上A Cold village. Spending night in the tent.

中国的消费支出前景不甚明朗。The picture for consumer spending is mixed.