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她用颤抖的声音问道。She asked in a quavering voice.

以不稳定的、颤抖的方式。To be sounded in a trilling or quavering manner.

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颤抖的声音变得大了,充满了房间。The quavering voice grew louder, filling the room.

街灯在微风中摇曳着。The breeze set the flames of the street lamps quavering.

微风吹得灯火微微跳动。The gentle breeze set the flames of the lamps quavering.

“我想把地买回来,但是他们不许”,丽美声音颤抖的说。"I want to buy back the land but they won't let me" Limei says her voice quavering.

“妈说花园里头有鬼,”淑贞捏着鸣凤的手,用颤抖的声音分辩道。My ma says there are ghosts in the garden, " the girl replied in a quavering voice."

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含糊不清的描述和颤抖的声音也都是欺骗的信号。Other potential indicators of deceit are descriptive vagueness or a quavering voice.

“什么事?”那旅客问,然后略带几分颤抖问道,“是谁找我?是杰瑞么?”What is the matter' asked the passenger, then, with mildly quavering speech. 'Who wants me?

“什么事?”那旅客问,然后略带几分颤抖问道,“是谁找我?是杰瑞么?”What is the matter' asked the passenger, then, with mildly quavering speech. 'Who wants me? Is it Jerry'

“妈说花园里头有鬼,”淑贞捏着鸣凤的手,用颤抖的声音分辩道。My ma says there are ghosts in the garden, " the girl replied in a quavering voice. She was clutching Mingfeng's hand tight."

她曾经邀请记者来吃午餐,与他们一起在珊弗家的孩子们玩滑板的大理石大厅里散步——这个大厅里有颤抖的古董吊灯。She invited the reporter to lunch, walking down marble halls where the Sanford boys had raced on skateboards, antique chandeliers quavering.

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接着,亨利带着斯蒂芬在屋子里逛了一圈,指着一件又一件宝贝物品,用颤抖的声音忆述着每个珍贵时刻。Henry proceeded to give a tour of the house, pointing out one prized possession after another, his voice quavering as he relived each moment.

不过等飞机起飞钻入云天,激动兴奋的感觉立即在卡门·艾尔茜拉的心中一点点充盈起来,就像透过塑料小圆环吹起来的一个颤动着的大肥皂泡泡。But when it lifted into the air, Carmen Elcira got the most wonderful feeling in her belly—like a huge quavering bubble blown through a plastic bubble ring, swelling inside her.

最后,还得开始吟唱,低垂着脑袋,颤抖的声音,---但是我极其敏锐地意识到,在这屋子里,再没有人比我对于这表演更为肝肠欲断的了。And at last, with bowed head and quavering voice I would have to make a beginning--but too keenly conscious that to none else in the room but me was this performance sufficiently heartrending.