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这是拱心石吗?Is it the keystone?

你好,我们是楔石摄影怪兵器!Hello, We are Keystone photographic equipment!

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拱顶石!它将引导我们走向我们最终的目标。The keystone. It will lead us to our final goal.

这他妈是谁主张的警察行动?Who on earth is running this keystone cop operation?

如何向天的回归,这是本文论述的主要点和重点。How to returning to the nature is the keystone of this paper.

上海楔石摄影怪兵器,欢迎大家来参观!Keystone Enterprise Co. , LTD. in Shanghai, welcome to visit!

现阶段从优待警的侧重点是以情待警。Nowadays its keystone is to treat the police with true feelings.

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几种类型的梯形杰克可以安装在一个接线板。Several types of keystone jack can be mounted on a single patch panel.

巴中关系确实是这两个国家的地缘政治基石。The relationship is indeed a geopolitical keystone for both countries.

强有力的地方自治是支撑人类自由的基石。Strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human freedom.

关键的XL项目是环保抗议者的主要关注点。The Keystone XL project has been a major focus of environmental protests.

何塞•黎萨尔被认为是菲律宾“国家和个人生活的基石”。The Philippines regard Rizal as the keystone of the country and her people.

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但有一个人一如既往地稳定,成为支撑桥梁的拱心石——他就是维迪奇。But if there's been one constant, the keystone holding up the bridge, it's Vidic.

标量积协议是构造隐私保持决策树的关键技术。Scalar Product Protocol is the keystone in building privacy-preserving decision tree.

本文的重点是对长三角地区交通一体化的理论分析。The keystone of this paper is the theoretical analyze of YRD transportation integration.

发搌农村保险是我国保险业发搌的难点和重点。Advancing suburban assurance is the difficulty and keystone of domestic insurance enterprise.

支拱板条专门用来在拱顶石放置好以前支撑拱的两边木架子。A wooden frame built especially to support the sides of an arch until the keystone is positioned.

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同时这部分还给出了系统的总体框架结构和研究的重点难点。At the same time, this part gives out the keystone and difficulty of the systemic frame structure.

反腐倡廉是中国乃至世界的一项重大政治课题。The keystone of this year's government work is to combat corruption, and build a clean government.

计划中的大号拱心石石油管道将用于运输产自加拿大油沙的重原油。The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would carry heavier crude oil produced from tar sands in Canada.