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请明智地花费你所拥有的。Please use what you have wisely.

我将明智的挑选朋友。V. I will choose my friends wisely.

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请慎重选择你的人际关系,宁缺毋滥。Relationships must be chosen wisely.

那经理明智地做出了决定。The manager made the decision wisely.

但是它们被明智地设为只读。But they are wisely mounted read-only.

他聪明地选择了“少即是多”的原则。He has wisely decided that less is more.

你会更懂得善用金钱和时间。You use your time and money more wisely.

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这位国王贤明地统治着他的臣民。The King ruled his people well and wisely.

所以,你不妨明智地选择你的用词。So, you may wish to choose your words wisely.

合理、有效地综合利用你的时间。Use your time together wisely and efficiently.

慷慨不在于给得多而在于给得好。Liberality is not giving much but giving wisely.

你要聪明地运用你的绝地念力。You’ll need to use your Jedi Mind Tricks wisely.

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如果我可以再选一次,我一定会做一个明智的选择。If i could but choose again, I would choose wisely.

威廉宾恩很明智地要与印第安人修好。William Penn wisely tried to conciliate the Indians.

理智地建好房子,这是你为自己构建的唯一一次的生活。Build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build.

所以我们必须得即刻就行动了,而且我们得要明智地行动。So we have to move swiftly, and we have to move wisely.

求祢帮助我们活得有智慧,每天都寻找祢的带领。Help us to live wisely and look for your direction each day.

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此外,广泛使用的品种需要得到更加明智的管理。Moreover, widely used breeds need to be managed more wisely.

因此你要仔细掌控你的信心——明智地去运用它。So handle it with care -- and use your new confidence wisely.

通过聪明地管理你的时间最大限度地利用它。So learn to make the most of it by wisely managing your time.