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这就是你的感觉身体了That's your sensory body.

我们拥有感官理解吗?Do we have sensory knowledge?

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第一种理论是感觉平衡的丧失。The first is the loss of a sensory balance.

感觉受器的构造和功能。Structure and function of sensory receptors.

有孤独症的人常常存在感觉问题。People with autism often have sensory issues.

不要忽略感官细节,注意生动性。Don't omit sensory details and a bit of color.

Portelli将其描述成一种“感官超负荷。”Portelli describes it as a "sensory overload."

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这位老人的感觉神经似乎不太敏锐了。The sensory nerves of this old man seem to dull.

眼、耳、鼻、舌都是人体的感觉器官。The eyes, ears, nose and tongue are sensory organs.

明、暗细胞皆具感觉机能。Both dark cells and light cells have sensory function.

它们厚实的象皮长有刚毛和敏感的毛发。Their thick hide sports sparse bristles and sensory hairs.

用感知问题这个听起来比较吉利的单词来代替。It was replaced by the more benign-sounding sensory issues.

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有一些在关于感觉剥夺的文学作品里出现。Some of it appears in the literature on sensory deprivation.

你伪造受术者的一种感觉。False Sensory Input. You falsify one of the subject's senses.

还有很多感觉忽略的障碍,一些有名的障碍There are disorders of sensory neglect, some famous disorders.

该领域的研究人员把时间花费在研究感官知觉上。Researchers in the field spent time studying sensory perception.

味蕾,消毒感觉器官,位于舌头和上颚,接受四种基本的味道。Taste buds small sensory organ located on the tongue and palate.

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一个如吃苹果般简单的动作也需要感觉统合的能力。A simple action, like eating an apple, needs sensory integration.

五颜六色、五味俱全、---让感官超负荷的湿货市场。Reach sensory overload in the wet market's colour, aroma and gore

神经生长因子对交感神经元和感觉神经元的存活至关重要。NGF is crucial to the survival of sympathetic and sensory neurons.