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那么他是恶毒的。Then he is malevolent.

但是外星人是恶意的吗?But what about being malevolent too?

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但是这些失败是恶意的外科手术。But those strikeouts are malevolent surgery.

我听到一些来意曲解她的话。I have heard some malevolent misrepresentation of her.

他是一个恶毒的,坏心肠的罪犯,土匪。He's a malicious and malevolent malefactor and gangster.

老虎在角落里眼睛一眨不眨地看着他,不怀好意。The tiger stared at him from its corners, malevolent and unblinking.

他们的喊声引来了可怕的哥拉克斯人的注意。Their cries attracted the malevolent attention of the gruesome Gorax.

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我的意思是,如果你的孩子遇到了恶意准备的恶鬼会发生什么?I mean, what happens if your kid encounters a malevolent ghost ill prepared?

每次我在森林附近或是进到森林里时,都能感觉到有充满恶意的灵异物的存在。Whenever I am around the woods or in them I truly feel a malevolent presence.

纳西莎与她的妹妹,那个铁杆食死徒贝拉特里克斯•莱斯特兰奇为伴。Narcissa is accompanied by her sister, the malevolent Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange.

当拉尔夫神父拉着麦琪的手走进来时,她那恶毒的眼光马上压倒了孩子。As Father Ralphcame inholding Meggie 's hand, her malevolent gaze beat the child's down.

当拉尔夫神父拉着麦琪的手走进来时,她那恶毒的眼光马上压倒了孩子。As father Ralph came in holding Meggie's hand, her malevolent gaze beat the child's down.

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遗憾的是,这个社会总还是有不好的人,因此,最好不要过度冒险。Unfortunately there are some malevolent people out there and it is best not to take undue risks.

在神灯的帮助下,阿拉丁和公主打败了坏心肠的非洲魔法师。With the help of the magic lamp, Aladdin and the princess defeated the malevolent African magician.

摆在眼前的问题就是,国家或者恐怖主义者是否会发展这种技术去干一些居心叵测的事情。The obvious question is whether states or terrorists could exploit this technology for malevolent ends.

尝试和犯错是你手头唯一工具,以此找出“地狱边境”中致命谜题背后的邪恶关系。Trial and error is the only tool you have to figure out the malevolent logic of Limbo's deathtrap puzzles.

一是以没脑子或坏心肠的西方政治家为首的某种国际反攻。One would be some kind of international counterattack, led by unthinking or malevolent Western politicians.

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在邪神之战板图游戏里,每个玩家扮演其中一个混沌邪神。In the Chaos in the Old World board game, each player takes the role of one of the malevolent Lords of Chaos.

反过来,就悲伤程度而言,把听到的声音认为是恶意的是与精神痛苦程度有关。In turn, interpreting voices as malevolent was associated with mental distress, in terms of depression levels.

“看来你那已摧毁法拉戈号的消息发早了。”他说话的时候恶毒一笑。"It seems you were a bit premature in reporting the destruction of the Farrago" he said with a malevolent grin.