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那些羊肉都是多脂肪的。All that lamb is fatty.

怎会喜欢左肥肥?How will like left fatty?

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高脂肪的食物使我健忘。Fatty foods give me amnesia.

它有恶臭和脂肪的香韵。It has catty and fatty nuances.

所以说并不都是油炸的、高脂肪的食物。It's not all fatty and deep-fried.

底层皮肤油油的、软软的。The bottom layer is fatty and soft.

你是否在沐浴中洗掉了一些脂肪?Did you lose your fatty in the bath?

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我最腻味肥肉,从来不吃。I hate fatty pork and never eat any.

脂肪酸,蓖麻油,钾盐。Fatty acids, castor-oil, potassium salts.

懒羊羊一天要睡多少个小时?How many hours does Fatty sleep every day?

用脂肪酸合成作为乳化剂。Synthetic fatty acid used as an emulsifier.

香油是在丰富的不饱和脂肪酸。Sesame oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

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当我十岁的时候我发现肉类很肥腻。When I was ten I began to find meat too fatty.

皂基对脂肪酸盐的一般性称呼。Soap General term for the "salt" of a fatty acid.

最右侧可见正常的黄骨髓。More normal fatty marrow is seen at the far right.

“是的,伍佰元!”胖子肯定道。"Yes, 500 dollars! "The fatty affirms a direction.

拣带肥肉的猪扒有较佳效果。Choose pork chop with fatty meat for a better result.

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我的家人和我一样喜欢肥肥,她就是我们中的一员。My families love her as I do. Fatty is a member of us.

Omega-3是大脑中最需要的具有提升心情作用的脂肪酸。Omega-3 is the mood-lifting fatty acid our brains love.

而且,多不饱和脂肪包含重要的脂肪酸。And, polyunsaturated fats contain essential fatty acids.