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这种点击付费的竞价营销模式又一次开启了Google新一轮的现金流交易。Pay-per-click auctions opened a cash spigot.

现在该你了,小熊,你可以把龙头敲进这里。And now Bear, you can tap the spigot into place.

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我又跟踪他回到家,到了一个水龙头那儿。I followed him back to the house and to a spigot.

我跟随他回到一个栓我们有关闭的走开那水到。I followed him back to a spigot that we had shut off the water to.

钟型和套管末端通常用橡胶圈接口。The bell and spigot ends are normally jointed by using a rubber ring gasket.

我跟着他回到了家,来到被关得严严紧紧的水龙头处。I followed him back to the house, to a spigot to which we had shut off the water.

沉砂口直管段是水力旋流器的一个重要构件。The straight tube of spigot is an important structural parameter of hydrocyclone.

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她的水池是一个粉色塑料桶,水是从街对面一个小区提来的。Her sink is a pink plastic bucket, and she hauls water from a community spigot across the street.

每个绒毛看起来像一把“马桶刷”,而每个“阀门”则像一个“长钉”,Rind说。Each fuzzy hair looked like a "loo brush," said Rind, while every spigot resembled a "small spike."

这个“信息龙头”实际上是一个微型芯片,这个芯片可以从一大堆加密数据中少量发放一点信息。His spigot is a microchip that doles out small bits of information from a huge pile of encrypted data.

数值结果还表明,底流管直径较小的旋流器分离高炉污泥的效果较好。It's also shown the hydrocyclone with a smaller diameter of spigot has a better separation efficiency.

而在我们越走越近的时候,我认为还得有那么几个月中国才会回拧开那个龙头。And while we're getting closer, I think we're still months from the day that China turns the spigot on.

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将橡胶圈展开,并将它安装在下一节将要安装的管道的插口端上正确的位置。Stretch the rubber ring and install it at the proper location at the spigot of the pipe about to be laid.

通货膨胀确实是个问题,但是政府在通胀恶化之前已经收紧了银根。Inflation is a problem, but the government is already tightening the spigot and has tackled far worse before.

室外地下管网使用球墨铸铁管,承插式连接。Ductile cast iron piping is used for external underground. The pipe should be spigot and socket joint connected.

对美联储这个举措的争论还在继续着,只有当合适时机到来的时候,这个争论才会停止。The Fed, this argument goes, just won't be able to act quickly enough to turn off the spigot when the time comes to do so.

本发明还公开并且要求保护一种由单独的射弹形成的射弹串,这些单独的射弹通过互补的插销和插座构件首尾连接起来。There is also disclosed and claimed a chain of individual projectiles connected head to tail by complementary spigot and socket members.

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事实上,如果大学打开招生大门,希望持续的招收中国学生,他们已经收获了一个井喷。Indeed, if universities turned on the recruiting spigot in China expecting a steady trickle of students, they’ve gotten a gusher instead.

后来这家工厂终于被联邦政府关闭,但在此之前,有一天一个阀门出了故障,我的双脚给酸水浇了个透。The factory was eventually shut down by the federal government, but not before a spigot malfunctioned one day and soaked my feet in acid.

确实,如果大学打开大门,希望不停招收中国学生,他们已经有了很大的收获。Indeed, if American colleges turned on the recruiting spigot inChina expecting a steady trickle of students, they’ve gotten agusher instead.