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水涌入其中。Water rushes in.

白马四蹄翻飞,向前奔驰。The white horse rushes forward.

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黄河入海流。Seawards rushes the Yellow River.

芦荻没有水,岂能发旺?Can the rushes grow without water?

仓里满急忙夺门而出。Cang Li Man rushes out of the door.

接着他匆忙赶去公车站。Then he rushes off to the bus stop.

芦苇和灯心草中的阴风。The wind in the reeds and the rushes.

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从灯心草丛传来一阵如歌的呼号A kind of singing from among the rushes

门前芦苇小已碎草铺阻。Broken rushes clog the reed gate's way.

仓里满横冲过去,到那扇窗前。Cang Li Man rushes across to the window.

那个雇员急忙把收银抽屉打开。The clerk rushes to get the drawer open.

所以水会涌进去,膜扩张。So water rushes in, and the membrane expands.

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尼娜快步走进,将泰瑞和金姆带往安全屋。Nina rushes in to take Teri to the safe house.

赞美的歌来自小树林与灯心草。Praise the world from the woods and the rushes.

汤姆总是在星期天晚上赶做他的家庭作业。Tom always rushes his homework on Sunday evenings.

热情的火焰直冲云霄。The enthusiastic flame rushes to the highest heavens.

石油会沿着钢管上涌,如同自喷井那样喷射出来。The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher.

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“哈哈!一只青蛙,我的晚餐!”于是,他朝青蛙冲了过去。"Haha! A frog! My dinner! " so he rushes at the frog.

来捕捉电影制作中需要的毛片。to capture the rushes you need to make the film work.

我们互不相欠,各奔幸福!We Mutually does not owe, respectively rushes happiness!