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这是和歌山医科大学的网站。This is the website of The Wakayama Medical University.

和歌山西部地区在海啸警报后要求2万户居民撤离。The western prefecture of Wakayama ordered20, 000 people to evacuate after further tsunami warnings.

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1926年出生在日本和歌山县海南市,父亲是中国人,母亲是日本人。Born in 1926 in Wakayama Prefecture in Japan, Hainan City, the father is Chinese, his mother is Japanese.

为用户提供完善的服务是我们全体和歌山人奋斗的目标。Wound first-class enterprise, provide perfection service to consumer is strive destination of our wakayama group all.

日本和歌山电气铁路公司任命名为“阿玉”的9岁花猫为一个无人售票车站站长。Tama, a 9-year-old cat in a western Japanese town, was appointed by Wakayama Electric Railway as master of an unmanned train station.

说是让猫来帮忙,但其实是她给我们带来了好运。You say you could ask for the cat's help, but she is actually bringing luck to us, " Wakayama Electric spokeswoman Keiko Yamaki said.

一套连轧管机油压压下控制系统于1985年在日本住友金属公司和歌山钢铁厂使用成功。A mandrel mill hydraulic screwdown control was successfully established at Wakayama Steel Works of Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd, in 1985.

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公司以科技为本,拥有一支高素质的员工队伍,以雄厚的实力和过硬的技术力量,生产一流品质的产品、创一流的企业。Wakayama principal is technology, have a high quality staff group, produce first-class quality product by enormous potentiality and powerful technology.

2008年,理化研究所若山照彦博士领导的小组,在世界上首次用冷冻保存16年之久的小鼠尸体的细胞培养出了克隆鼠。In 2008, RIKEN Wakayama team led by Dr. Zhao Yan, the first time in the world with 16 years of cryopreservation of mouse body out of the Kelong Shu cell culture.

介绍了日本和歌山制铁所、瑞典钢铁公司和挪威埃尔克姆钢铁公司的工艺流程及设备情况,对日本的圆坯连铸机所采用的先进技术作了详细叙述。The process flows and equipments used in Wakayama Works of Japan, Swedish Steel Co. and Elkem I &S Co. of Norway are introduced, and the advanced round CC technology in Japan are detailed.

日经财经新闻日报报道,这次实验被设计成——位于静冈县和和歌山县之间,东京西南海域的一段延伸距离,历时直到2013年3月的财政年度里的几个星期。The test is scheduled for a stretch of ocean southwest of Tokyo, between Shizuoka and Wakayama prefectures, over several weeks in the fiscal year to March 2013, the Nikkei financial daily said.

据日本共同社报道,日本和歌山电气铁路公司近日宣布,在贵志川线一无人售票车站担任站长的小猫阿玉将"升任"公司董事。Tama, a cat appointed as the master of an unmanned train station on the Kishigawa Line in Japan, was rewarded with promotion to director of the Wakayama Electric Railway, Kyodo news agency reported.