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斐济实行两院制议会。Fiji"s Parliament is bicameral.

国会是一个两院制的立法机关。Congress is a bicameral legislature.

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议院的立法实体有535个成员。A bicameral law-making body of 535 members.

英国两院制议会的上院。Upper house of Britain's bicameral Parliament.

PK属于开放性二室模型。PK was in accordence with open bicameral model.

也门是采用两院制立法机构的共和国。Yemen is a republic with a bicameral legislature.

两院制议会由参议院和众议院组成。The bicameral Parliament is composed of the Senate and the Chamber of Representatives.

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组成的两院制立法机构的100名议员组成的参议院和一个342人组成的国民议会。The bicameral legislature comprises a 100-member Senate and a 342-member National Assembly.

两院制的斯洛文尼亚议会由国民议会和国民协商会组成。The bicameral Slovenian parliament consists of the National Assembly and the National Council.

美国的立法权力通过两院制国会而分散。Decentralization of power in the U.S. legislative process is furthered by a bicameral Congress.

美国国会两院制的最初发展得益于英国悠久的两院传统。The initial development of American two-chamber system benefited from British bicameral tradition.

两院制法院将这一事宜交给了两院中的最高级法院处理,并定于周一读遗嘱。The bicameral court assigned the reading of the will to its superior branch and scheduled the reading for Monday.

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这是什么可悲的世道?这就是有着世界上最生机勃勃民主名声的两院制议会?It's a sad reflection on a bicameral parliament that has a reputation for being one of the most vibrant in the world.

在2004年的大选之后,MPR成为了两院议会,新成立的DPD是它的第二议院。Following the elections in 2004, the MPR became a bicameral parliament, with the creation of the DPD as its second chamber.

西班牙是君主立宪制国家,君主的继承权是世袭的,实行西班牙国会或众议院的两院制议会。Spain is a constitutional monarchy, with a hereditary monarch and a bicameral parliament, the Cortes Generales or National Assembly.

两院制的议会结构和严格的司法审查,组成了坚定的宪政力量,构筑起捍卫人权的强大堡垒。The bicameral system and strict judicial review compose firm constitutional force, constructing a powerful fortress to protect human rights.

基于新的宪法,先前的两院制议会通过2005年的议会选举变成了只有75个席位的的一院制立法机构。Under the new constitution, the previously bicameral parliament became a 75-seat unicameral legislature following the 2005 parliamentary elections.

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既然参议院规模很大,参议员又是直接选举产生的,参议院的存在理由就很难确定了——就是说,为什么联邦议会是两院制的?Since the Senate is very large and Senators are directly elected, it is unclear why there is a Senate--that is, why the federal legislature is bicameral.

两院制的议会制度国家,一般下院掌握最根本的赋税权,能以否决政府财政预算的方式控制税款的运用。A bicameral parliamentary system, the lower house of the general master the most fundamental right to tax, the Government can veto the budget control of the use tax.

我们并不反对西方国家这样搞,但是我们中国大陆不搞多党竞选,不搞三权分立、两院制。We have no objection to the Western countries doing it that way, but we on the Chinese mainland do not have such elections, nor do we separate the three powers or have a bicameral legislature.