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我甚至可以毫不畏惧地打开那一叠账单了。I could even examine the sheaf of bills without cringing.

他举起了他面前文件中的一叠纸。He lifts a sheaf of papers from the folder in front of him.

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而你们的几捆则过来站在它周围对它鞠躬行礼。And all your sheaves came around it and bowed down to my sheaf.

只是买了一个合约,合约规定未来的商品买卖,比如是一车小麦,或者是一些债。Purchase of merchandise, be it a carload of wheat or a sheaf of Treasury.

晚些时候我走到街上,看到一叠广告单随风飘落。Going outside later, I saw that a sheaf of advertising circulars had been scattered by the wind.

该语言是有意不断初级程度,避免层论的上同调理论。The language is purposefully kept on an elementary level, avoiding sheaf theory and cohomology theory.

你们要从安息日的次日,献禾捆为摇祭的那日算起,要满了七个安息日.From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks.

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最后,讨论了弱诱导包含式正则空间中层仿紧集的特征。Finally , thecharacterizations of sheaf paracompact sets in weak induced contained type regularspaces are glven.

她从刚捆好的麦捆里抽出一把麦穗来,用左手掌拍着麦头儿,把它们弄整齐。From the sheaf last finished she draws a handful of ears, patting their tips with her left palm to bring them even.

正是这些所有的死亡和重生聚拢在一起,形成了唐璜生命中锦簇的花环。All those deaths and all those rebirths gathered together as in a sheaf make up for Don Juan the flowering of his life.

贞洁的新娘在整个典礼期间,手里都拿着一束小麦,或者在头发上戴一个小麦的花冠。The virginal bride carried a sheaf of wheat in her hand throughout the ceremony, or wore a garland of wheat in her hair.

在那里,雪白的棉花在星光下泛出银光,金色的阳光在小麦的麦芒中闪耀。There, by night the cotton field whitens beneath the stars, and by day the wheat locks the sunshine in its bearded sheaf.

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本文以日本小型水稻割捆机为样机,进行了小型手扶水稻割捆机的总体设计。This paper showed the whole designation of the minitype rice binder which was basis on the minitype sheaf binder in Japan.

他再次向窗户走去,随即站住,从这杂乱的桌面上拿出一束薄薄的羊皮纸。He began to move back to the window, then stopped and retrieved also a sheaf of thin parchments from the chaos of the tabletop.

从你们献麦束行摇礼的安息日的次日起,应计算整个七星期。You shall count therefore from the morrow after the sabbath, wherein you offered the sheaf of the firstfruits, seven full weeks.

摇这捆的日子,你们要把一岁没有残疾的公绵羊贯献给耶和华为燔祭。And ye shall offer that day when ye wave the sheaf an he lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the LORD.

回到家我打开邮箱,只有一把账单,还有两个白色的信封,肯定里面装的也是账单。I looked in my mail box. there were only bills in it, a sheaf of them, and two white envelopes which I was sure contained more bills.

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“怎样都好,你的案子只是小事,很快就可以放你走了,”警察说后,就开始翻看一叠残旧的足球彩票。“Anyway, your case is a small matter. You will soon be released,” the Sergeant said, and began to read a sheaf of dog-eared football-pool coupons.

她把捆扎麦子的那束麦子的两头收拢来,跪在麦捆上把它捆紧,微风把她的裙子吹了起来,她也不断地把它扯回去。She brings the ends of the bond together, and kneels on the sheaf while she ties it, beating back her skirts now and then when lifted by the breeze.

很多种类的蚂蚁都能够将卵和小幼虫紧密地排列成束并放置在巢穴孵化区的中心,而最大的幼虫位于孵化束的外围。Many kinds of ants can closely arrange eggs and larvae in a sheaf around the middle of nest area, and the biggest larvae located at the edge of area.