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道教的仪礼空间与王朝的正统性。Taoist Ritual Space and Dynastic Legitimacy.

南京在其2500年的历史中是一个十朝古都。Nanjing was a dynastic capital 10 times during its 2,500-year history.

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从那时开始,他便成了金正日王朝接班计划的中心人物。Since then, he has taken a central role in Kim’s dynastic succession plans.

部分PBC的中医证型证候有动态变化的特点。Some of TCM patterns of syndrome of PBC had the feature of dynastic variation.

如果印度人想要整顿政府,他们则需要摆脱王朝政治。If Indians want to clean up government, they need to get rid of dynastic politics.

通过利用王朝力量和民族主义力量,俾斯麦建立了德意志第二帝国。By utilizing the dynastic and the nationalistic force, Bismark founded the second Deutsches Reich.

全然没有为王朝的利益服务,而这点上他和俄国人民的看法一致It didn't serve the dynastic interests of the dynasty, which he identified with the Russian people.

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它是一个封建王朝社会,自六十年前建立以来受到两个人的控制。It is a dynastic feudal society that has been controlled by two men since its founding 60 years ago.

这是对于一个以不死灵魂驭龙为主题的绘画作品的游戏之作。This painting is a play on traditional dynastic paintings with the theme of an immortal riding a dragon.

禅让与世袭是我国古代社会政权传承的主要形式。The abdication and Hereditary systems are the main ways of the dynastic alternation of Chinese ancient times.

梅塞纳斯参与了奥古斯都世袭制希望,为国王的侄子马塞卢斯最后的继任而服务。Maecenas shared Augustus' dynastic hopes and worked for the eventual succession of Marcellus, the emperor's nephew.

而就在他去世前几天,侯赛因国王突然废黜哈桑王储而命名37岁的阿卜杜拉为他的继承人。But just days before his death, King Hussein changed the dynastic succession by naming Abdullah, then only 37, his heir.

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他曾经两次担任总理职务,但由于不丹国王结束了长达一个世纪的王朝统治,吉格梅。廷里这次将担负起领导国家的职责。But this time, he will lead the country as Bhutan's king ends a century of dynastic rule that has been largely peaceful.

针对目标编群中的动态要求,提出了一种基于S-粗集副集的目标编群方法。To the dynastic demands in-group formation in situation assessment, a method based on S-rough set theory is put forward.

然而,由于朝代更迭,金日磾的后裔为恢复汉朝而被迫害。However, due to dynastic changes, the descendants of Jin Midi were persecuted for their royalist ties to the Han Dynasty.

本文以西汉王朝为例,对古代中国王朝的疆域形成进行了探讨。This paper, taking the Western Han Dynasty as an example, discusses the formation of dynastic territory of ancient China.

在神话里,欧洲使他们想到过去,想到康科德的英国兵、在外的地主、王朝的尊严。In the mythology, Europe was associated with the past, with British redcoats at Concord , absentee landlords, dynastic pride.

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其领土逐渐扩大,延伸至乌拉尔山脉南端和里海,并发展成为王朝国家It gradually expanded in size, reaching to the Southern Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea, and emerging as a dynastic state.

汉字的断代测查要整理和描写不同历史层面汉字的构形系统,理清汉字个体字符历史演变。The dynastic survey of Chinese characters contains the arrangement and description of different dynastic Chinese writing system.

明代社会因为受到自古对庶子的负面评价,庶子的社会地位因而不高。The social position of the son born from concubines is low because they are effected by the past bad evaluation in Ming Dynastic.