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明天总统将主持新直升机机场的开幕典礼。The President will open the new heliport tomorrow.

最好的办法就是每个控制的岛礁都建成直升机场。The best way is to control the islands have each built heliport.

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在敦谦沙洲的东侧建有一个监视设施,旁边还有一个直升机停机坪。A surveillance facility sits at the eastern side of Sand Cay with a heliport next to it.

直升机场能否在某地建成是要受制于当地政府的规划、当地的环境。The possibility of a heliport to be built by the local government planning, the local environment.

通用航空的审批立项需要花几年的时间,民营直升机场的建设。Project examination and approval of general aviation will take a few years, private heliport construction.

作为民营直升机场的经营者---通用航空市场是在未来少数可以出现爆发性增长的行业。As a private heliport operators --- general aviation market is emerging in the next few explosive growth. U.

苏州在建设中的直升机场具有比较好的区位优势,“当地政府接受”。Suzhou in the construction of the heliport has a comparative advantage good, "the local government to accept."

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修建直升机场的审批要经过省级以上政府,以及军方。Approval of construction of the heliport to go through and above the provincial level government, and military.

今天的开幕典礼标志着空中快线香港的直升机场扩建工程第一期正式完成。Today marks the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Air Express heliport expansion project completed the first phase.

该公司称,投资1.2亿元的苏州直升机场将于今年年底建成,2010年正式启用。According to the company, the 120-million-yuan Suzhou heliport will be ready later this year, and functional by 2010.

调查人员仍在试图确定为什么直升机前往从江岸直升机场起飞后不久。Investigators are still trying to determine why the helicopter went down shortly after takeoff from a riverbank heliport.

鲁永说自从直升机场开放以来,该俱乐部接到几百个电话询问购买或租用一架直升机的价格。Lu said the club received hundreds of calls from people asking about the price of buying or renting a helicopter since the heliport was launched.

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另一名驾驶员在机场地面看到小型飞机向直升机飞近,他设法用无线电紧急警告上空的直升机驾驶员,但他可能没有听到,或听到时为时已晚。Another pilot on the ground at the heliport saw the plane approaching and tried to radio an alert to the helicopter above. But the warning was either not heard, or failed to get through in time.