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我认为作这一选择是不幸的。I think that would be unfortunate.

我为这个不幸的家伙觉得难过。I felt sorry for the unfortunate one.

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我认为出现这种现象十分不幸。I think it's an unfortunate practice.

这对淳佳真的是件不幸的事。It was really most unfortunate for Joi.

你愿不愿意帮助那些不幸的人,说!Would you like to help the unfortunate?

戴勒是个大块头,所以这很不幸。Dele is a big unit, so it's unfortunate.

这个可怜的倒霉蛋是饿死的。The poor unfortunate had starved to death.

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红颜多薄命。A beautiful girl has often an unfortunate life.

最勇敢者往往是最不幸者。The most valiant are often the most unfortunate.

不幸的人会淹死在茶杯里。An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup.

我们确实打的很懒散,这是不幸的。We were real lackadaisical and it is unfortunate.

理想,能给天下不幸者以欢乐。——高尔基基。Ideal, , can give pleasure to all the unfortunate.

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唐纳先生乐于帮助不幸的人们。Mr. Donner indulges in helping unfortunate people.

比起千疮百孔,一无所有才更加不幸。Compared with holes, has nothing to more unfortunate.

他说那种持续性的情况真的很倒楣。He said the continuing circumstances were unfortunate.

罗多维科这卤莽而不幸的人在哪儿?Lodovico. Where is this rash and most unfortunate man?

让那些不幸在此次台风中丧生者,得以安息。May the unfortunate deceased in typhoon rest in peace.

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罗阿诺克岛的居民甚至更加不幸。Roanoke Island inhabitants were even more unfortunate.

那倒霉的副主教在哪些念头里挣扎?With what thoughts was the unfortunate man contending?

因此他们投机取巧不断放出不良贷款So, they had an unfortunate incentive to make bad loans.