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可视图文服务单元?。VSU? Videotex Service Unit?

可视图文网关控制?。VGC? Videotex Gateway Control?

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可视图文管理软件?。VAS?Videotex Administration Software?

可视图文终端控制驱动器?。VTCD? Videotex Terminal Control Driver?

在可视图文技术中,用来重点突出一页的某一部分。In videotex it is used to highlight a part of the page.

在可视图文系统中使用的一种显示字符,它可以是128种不同形状中的一种。In videotex , a display character which can have one of 128 different shapes.

在可视图文系统中,24个信息行中的一行,每个信息行最多可包含40个字符。In videotex , one of the 24 information lines each of which can contain up to 40 characters.

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作为一项面向公众的信息传播业务,可视图文在我国有着巨大的潜在市场。As a public oriented information propagation service, videotex has a huge potential market in China.

可视图文是电子出版的一种形式,它由与终端或个人计算机相连接的数据库组成。Videotex is a form of electronic publishing that consists of a database connected to terminals or personal computers.

图文电视是一种实用的数据广播系统,在信息领域中与其它系统相比,该系统具有明显的优势。Videotex is a practical applied data broadcasting system, which has superiorities over other system in the field of information industry.

叙述了可视图文数据库管理系统的结构,提出了现有的文本型数据库进入可视图文数据库的问题及其解决办法。The structure of Database Management System for videotex is described in general. And how text database system get into videotex system is presented.

评介了在我国组建的公用分组数据网上已经开放和正在开发的数据通信新业务,如电子邮箱、可视图文、电子数据交换等。This paper evaluates the data communication services being or having been developed on public built in our country, such as E-Mail, videotex and EDI, etc.

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图文电视较其他的信息传播方式具有明显的优势,阐述基于数据轮播方式的图文电视广播的基本原理,并给出一个基本的系统组成。Videotex has more evident superiorities to other information broadcasting methods. The basic principles of videotex broadcasting system are described in this paper.

三维地层信息系统的研究开发为岩土工程建立了相应的数据库和可视化信息系统。The research and exploitation of three dimension strata information system establish corresponding data-base and videotex information system for geotechnical engineering.

信息传视技术中的一种显示模式。在此模式下某些字符显示为空格,直到用户选择要显露它们时为止。这种功能可以用于游戏或猜谜等方面。In videotex , a display mode during which certain characters are displayed as spaces until the viewer chooses to reveal them. This facility can be used in games, quizzes, etc.