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她赢得了全部奖品。She potted all the prizes.

他把玫瑰花的插枝种在花盆内。He potted up the rose cuttings.

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我的祖父特别喜欢盆栽。My grandfather loves potted plants.

他用新枪随手射击兔子。He potted at rabbits with his new gun.

我们办公室有很多盆栽植物。Our office has a lot of potted plants.

我们向芦苇中的野鸭射击。We potted at the wild duck in the reeds.

他很喜欢那个盆景的造形。He likes the shape of that potted landscape.

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适用于小区绿化带、盆花的清洁。Apply to village green belts, potted flower clean.

你可以在办公桌上放一盆绿色植物或一束鲜花。Keep a potted plant or fresh flowers at your desk.

一些园丁说,盆栽玫瑰比较好种植。Some gardeners say potted roses are easier to plant.

盆栽植物应经耐寒锻炼才能移植到室外。Potted plants should be hardened off before planting out.

六月份时,一些针叶科植物如杜松可进行盆栽。Some hardy plants such as junipers can be potted in June.

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确实是盆栽,方形花盆,它周围有卵石。It's potted in a clear, square vase with pebbles around it.

设计了一种适用于多规格穴盘苗移栽的移栽机。A transplanter applied to multi-spec potted trays was designed.

那盆花蔫儿了,叶子都倒垂了下来。The potted flower has withered, and the leaves have all drooped.

野花是生活的调味品,而盆花是生活的必需品。Wildflowers is the spice of life, and potted a necessity of life.

你还记得我们有一次曾用一把裁纸刀吃罐装的小虾吗?Don't you remember we once ate potted shrimps with a paper knife ?

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圆碗有另外一种碗面图案,并且制作得很好。The round bowl has an alternating panel design and is well potted.

不仅是鱼儿无精打采,连盆栽的常春藤也没了生气。Not only the fish held still, but the potted ivy lost spirits also.

浇水要透,多余的水要排出去。Water potted plants thoroughly and let the excess water drain away.