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菲律宾军方宣称,反叛武装组织摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线主导了这起恶性事件。The Philippine military said rebels of the Separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front were responsible.

可以说,我们整天都在谈话,彼此交谈只不过是一种更为活跃的,能够听得见得思考罢了。We talk, I believe, all day long , to talk to each other is but a moro animated and an audible thinking.

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此次和谈希望能够结束由摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线发起的长达十余年的叛乱活动。The peace talks, hoping to end the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, launched more than a decade of insurgency.

文化自主权的丧失才是摩洛人困境的根本缘由。The fundamental source of Moro 's frustrations is their inability to hold on cultural heritage with themselves.

义大利登山家西蒙莫若在尝试冬天攀登希夏邦马南壁的过程中,回顾了他的登山生涯与日常生活。Italian climber Simone Moro reflects on his life and mountain career during a winter attempt on the South face of Shishapangma.

足抓握反射、足跖反射和拥抱反射是婴儿三种常见的原始反射。Plantar grasp reflex, plantar response and Moro reflex are three primitive reflexes that used frequently in infantile neurological examination.

郭沫若在“五四”时期创立了独特的“大我”观,这一观念是他融会东西方文化因素及自己崇尚个性的思想形成的。Guo Moro created the unique idea of "superior individual" during the Wu-Si period. It came from the combination of East culture and West culture and his idea of open mind.

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另外,据其他报纸报道,乙级队特列维索在赛季末令人惊讶地从乌迪内斯手里买到了亚历桑德罗·莫罗的一半所有权。In other transfer news, Serie B outfit Treviso have surprisingly snapped up Alessandro Moro from Udinese on a loan deal with an option to buy half his contract at the end of the season.

菲律宾反政府武装“摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线”和“摩洛民族解放阵线”在菲律宾南部北哥打巴托省激烈交火。Philippine anti-government militants, "the Moro Islamic Liberation Front" and "Moro National Liberation Front" in North Cotabato province, southern Philippines, the fierce exchange of fire.

它是郭沫若“五四”时期“人”的观念的核心,不仅在“五四”文坛发挥著重要作用,而且对后来“人”的观念的建设具有启示性意义。It was the key idea of Gun Moro about the faith of "human" during Wu-Si period. It not only made an important effect in the Wu-Si literary circle, but also influenced the faith of the follow men.

举例来说,1906年美国在菲律宾的战争还在继续,吐温听说美国军队将包括男女儿童在内的600名摩洛部落居民逼到火山口附近。For example, the American war in the Philippines was still going on in 1906, and Twain read that American troops cornered 600 of the Moro tribe, including women and children, in a volcanic crater.