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采用SAS8.1软件对影响产犊间隔因素进行最小二乘方差分析。The effects on calving interval were analyzed by SAS8.1 GLM.

我如何指定在GLM使用负二项式误差分布?How do I designate a negative binomial error distribution in a GLM using R?

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详细介绍了两种GLM的结构和工作原理。The structures and operation principles of these two GLM are introduced in detail.

由NGLKC综合GLM的实例证明,该方法是很有效的。Practical examples of GLM synthesis from NGLKC proved that the method is very effective.

全球语言监测使用它的全球性互联网和社会媒介分析叙述追踪技术。GLM employs its NarrativeTracker technologies for global Internet and social media analysis.

GLM认为,当两种鲜活的语言碰撞时,中国式英语遣词造句的技巧应该值得庆祝。As two vibrant tongues collide, the verbal gymnastics of Chinglish should be celebrated, GLM argued.

GLM与GAM对于深入研究单个植物种与环境间的关系具有优势。GLM and GAM have advantages in probing deeply into the relationship between plant species and environment.

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每天餐前空腹饮用是最好的。如有严重胃病者建议饭后2小时内饮用。Drinking when limosis, or before meal. If you have gastropathy, please use Noni GLM within 2 hours after dinner.

首先应用GLM模型评价时间、空间、环境以及捕捞渔船参数对CPUE的影响,并确定显著性变量。Firstly, GLM was applied to evaluate impacts of temporal, spatial, environmental, fisheries operational variables on the CPUE, and the significant factors.

为了满足纯生啤酒对生产环境严格的卫生要求,推出了新型的双端洗瓶机。In order to satisfy the strict sanitation requirements for production environment of the draft beer, GLM put up a new type double-end bottle washing machine.