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我点的是鱼球粥。Fish Fillet Congee.

什锦菜,河虾派,秋葵加肉片。Jambalaya , crawfish pie, fillet gumbo.

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什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵。Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo.

鱼肉不宜切得过细或过薄!Do not cut fish fillet too fine or thin!

什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵。Jambalaya , craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo.

什锦菜,小龙虾派,和鱼片浓汤。Jambalaya, craw- fish pie, fillet gumbo.

请服务员帮你把鱼骨剔去。Ask the waiter to fillet the fish for you.

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深吸口气,给它一个最饱满滋润的吻恋。Thus, with a fillet of smooth-kissing breath.

什锦菜,小龙虾派,秋葵加肉片。Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo.

一位朋友问我绿芥末鱼片做法。A friend asked me about the wasabi fish fillet.

搭配羔羊肉片佐以薄荷或迷迭香十分美味。Seared lamb fillet with a mint and rosemary crust.

那么我要牛肉片炒花椰菜。I'll have the fillet of beef then, with cauliflower.

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在海鱼上撒切断的茴香菜绿菜丝。做为香料。Sprinkle some chopped fennel leaves on flake fillet.

一张生面皮包一个肉里脊,要全部裹好,封实。Wrap each piece of pork fillet in pastry to enclose.

拖到绘图页上。右击可编辑圆角半径。Drag onto the page. Right-click to edit fillet radius.

他开始去鱼骨,莉齐则在旁边观看。He'd begun to fillet. Lizzie was studying the process.

我们要菲利牛排和一份烤鸡腿。We'll take a fillet steak and roasted chicken drumstick.

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供应各种规格的高品质烤鳗鱼,对虾,鱼片。Offer all kinds of specific roasted eel prawn and fillet.

供应各种规格的高品质烤鳗鱼,对虾,鱼片。Offer all kinds of specific roasted eel prawn and fillet.

拌入蛋汁,薄薄沾上生粉。Stir in beaten egg and coat fillet lightly with cornflour.