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我是写作的最热心的侍仆。I was writing’s most devotional handmaiden.

无论在任何情况下都不应停止奉爱服务。Devotional service must continue under all circumstances.

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在每天晨祷后,我将它视为祷告的读物。I have used it as devotional reading after my morning prayer.

我只希望一世复一世,为祢做无缘的奉献服务。I only want Your causeless devotional service birth after birth.

今天的祷告嘉宾是乔恩·沃克,他是“有追求地生活”一文的作者。Today’s guest devotional is by Jon Walker, author of ‘Growing with Purpose.’

应安排在个人每天灵修时间外诵读圣经。Bible Reading Campaign time should be in addition to personal devotional time.

不要用你准备带查经或教主日学的经文来灵修。主有更多话要对你说。Don't use a passage you need to teach or study for devotional. He has more to say.

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他们会安排唱颂圣名,花数小时去载歌载舞。Kirtan would be arranged and they would spend hours in dance and devotional music.

她正在唱一些祈祷歌,声音越来越宏亮而圆满。She was singing some devotional songs and the voice was getting richer and mellower.

然而白冷还有一个小教堂,很多世纪以来也都是一个崇拜的地方。NeverthelessinBethlehem a small Chapel has been for long centuries a devotional site.

我说,‘丹泽尔,你要什么呢?I said, 'What do you want, Denzel?' And one of the devotional words that day was wisdom.

女人们围着秋千跳舞,并唱着虔诚的歌曲,而男人们则将颜料水拨洒在女人们身上。Women dance around the swing and sing devotional songs, as men spray coloured water on them.

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在中世纪,圣物匣或祈祷用的悬饰以及十字架被装上珠宝。In the Middle Ages reliquaries, or devotional pendants, and crosses were created with jewels.

在他的研究生涯中,虔诚的天主教信仰产生了深远的影响。In his research career, his devotional faith of Catholicism has profound effect to his theory.

他是一个深具宗教气质的人,因此他的情绪上便必然会染上虔敬的色调。Of a deeply religious temperament, there was inevitably a tinge of the devotional in his mind.

昨天我们的祷告关注的是这一章的第一部分,今天我们来关注第二部分。Today's devotional focuses on the second part of this verse. Yesterday's focused on the first.

只有通过奉献服务,人才能理解我作为至尊人格神首的本来面目。One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by devotional service.

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彼得之前的百分之九十的书籍,都是教堂里的祈祷文Ninety-percent of all the books that were published before Peter were devotional texts in the church.

斯里干达先生确信我父亲一定会非常高兴看到这首完美的虔诚的颂歌。Srikantha Babu was convinced that my father would be overjoyed at such a perfect gem of a devotional poem.

哈他瑜伽将继续发挥其强身健体的作用,但更多信仰与精神上的修行将占具主导地位。Hatha yoga will continue to keep the body healthy, but more devotional and mindfulness practices will take precedence.