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亚努斯神殿的门正式关闭。The doors of the Temple of Janus are officially shut.

两面公司对于盗版的产品概不负责。The Janus Corporation will not be responsible for imitations.

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有谁能比过去的“Janus”更好地看着我们通过这个关口?And who better to watch over us passing through it than old Janus.

宙斯是个奇特的神,他有两张脸能看两个方向。Janus was a strange god with two faces that could look in two directions.

因为两面神柬奈斯有两个脸,所以他可以看到过去的事,也可以看到将来的事。With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future.

仔细检查还能发现土星的小卫星-土卫十,就位于光环阴影下方。Careful inspection will reveal Saturn's small moon Janus just below a ring shadow.

土卫十是土星小卫星之一,据测直径只有180千米左右。Janus is one of Saturn's smaller moons and measures only about 180 kilometers across.

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他的商店位于弗吉尼亚州赖斯顿,名为酒柜。Rande Janus sells locally made macarons at his store, the Wine Cabinet, in Reston, Virginia.

目前在天水市为害梨树的茎蜂虫种有古氏简脉茎蜂和梨简脉茎蜂2种。At present there are 2 species of pest damage to pear trees including Janus gussakovskii and J.

贾纳斯打算起诉任何继续制造和销售仿制贾纳斯软盘的人。Janus intends to prosecute anyone continuing to manufacture and sell imitation Janus diskettes.

尽管看起来是漂浮在土星环之上,土卫十其实在它们后面很远的地方。Although it seems to be hovering over the rings, Saturn's moon Janus is actually far behind them.

由于我忽视了在软件中选择恰当的地点转置,所以它还是按出生地做出了返照盘。I neglected to check an appropriate box in Janus and it kept casting the chart for his birthplace.

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他们希望欺骗公众包括两面客户从而获取非法利润从我们的名誉。They hoped to deceive the public including Janus customers and thereby profit wrongfully from our reputation.

我们要求我们所有的两面顾客在可鄙的情况下能记住无论何时都购买两面磁盘。We ask all of our Janus customers to keep in mind this contemptible situation whenever purchasing Janus diskettes.

在结构化理论,设计,既是中等和结果产生了雅努斯一样,面对的,而每一项结束标志着一个新的开始。In structuration theory, design is both medium and outcome generating a Janus like face, with every ending marking a new beginning.

文中详细介绍了多普勒计程仪测速工作原理,研究了詹纳斯配置和相控阵技术在多普勒计程仪中的应用。The theory of Doppler log is introduced detailedly and the application of JANUS configure and phased-array technology are researched.

那两张告示贴在同一个位置,好像是同一张纸条,有两张脸,向着两个方向。The warnings are stuck on the same position of the glass, as if they are one piece of paper with two faces to two directions like Janus.

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无论是tasocitinib还是Incyte的药物,INCB028050,都是目标直指激酶,通过一种叫做细胞因子的免疫系统蛋白介导信号。Both tasocitinib and Incyte's drug, INCB028050, target Janus kinases, which mediate signalling by immune-system proteins called cytokines.

作为门神,Janus同样也看管着天堂的大门,这是他在众神中,处于一个较高的等级。As the god of gates and doorways Janus also kept watch over the gates of heaven and this put him in a pretty high position in the hierarchy of the gods.

早在贾纳斯·格里贾特斯出生前,他家在小乔梅尔星球的财富就已被非人类工人蚕食殆尽,因此,他对异族人有着根深蒂固的仇恨。Since competition from non-human workers had whittled away his family's fortune on Chommell Minor before he was even born, Janus Greejatus had a deeply ingrained hatred for aliens.