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什么是数据挖掘?What is data mining?

这项采矿工艺不可靠。The mining technique is shaky.

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将会存在采矿铁骑吗?Will there be mining fighters?

批出29个金矿开采牌照。Awarded 29 gold mining licenses.

露天开采毁掉了风景。Strip mining deforms the landscape.

有实力的矿山企业。Have the strength of mining enterprises.

那你们是矿冶公会的一员?SO you're part of the mining guild then?

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把好采茧关。Fourth, the good mining clearance cocoon.

这是长壁开采的开始。This is the beginning of longwall mining.

中国矿业大学体育学院。China University of Mining and Technology.

这是一个被抛弃的玉矿。Here is an abandoned nephrite mining base.

他们自1958年起采矿至今。They have been mining ore here since 1958.

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欢迎来到太子矿业公司网站。Welcome to Putra Mining Corporate website.

对于这类数据,分类树是一种极不适合的数据挖掘模型。It's a bad data mining model for this data.

自然景观由于挖煤而受到了破坏。The landscape was destroyed by coal mining.

对于矿业公司来说,这是一个好消息。All this is good news for the mining industry.

加快攀西铁矿山建设。Speed up development of Panxi iron mining area.

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人死亡。文章指出,中国的煤矿业安全记录很糟糕。The mining industry in China has a poor record.

目前未发现成虫有潜叶习性。Presently no adult insects have the mining habit.

你的信件则在继续挖掘这一霍布斯哲学的传统。Your letter continues mining this Hobbesian vein.