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也可以买到质量很好的仿制品。good quality reproduction.

是繁衍后代的问题。What matters is reproduction.

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这是一份底图嘛?Is this a copy for reproduction?

这是一份底图吗?Is this a replica for reproduction?

女人是传宗接代的工具吗?Are the women a tool for reproduction?

鸭嘴兽的繁殖几乎是独一无二的。Platypus reproduction is nearly unique.

有性生殖开始进入画面。Sexual reproduction enters the picture.

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对生殖有很大的影响。B. P. A. has great effect on reproduction.

这是一份底图吗?Is this a duplicingested for reproduction?

为了扩大再生产,我们必须更换机械设备。We had to retool for enlarging reproduction.

他们吸食血液也是繁殖的一部分。Their blood feedings are part of reproduction.

植物通过气味进行自我保护以及繁殖。Self-protection and reproduction through scents

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那有一处伊斯塔门的复制品又在何处呢?Where is there a reproduction of the Ishtar Gate?

它通过生存和繁衍进化。And it's evolved due to survival and reproduction.

世间哪有什么爱情,纯粹是生殖冲动。The world what love, pure impulse is reproduction.

光密度计用在复制照片的过程中。Densitometers are used in photographic reproduction.

那幅画真是一幅极妙的复制品。That picture is a fine reproduction of the original.

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这记录着复制的开始和结束时间。This records the start and end time of the reproduction.

无论是在野生还是在圈养环境中,大熊猫的繁殖率很低。In or out of captivity, panda reproduction rates are low.

海蜇的繁殖包括几个不同的阶段。Jellyfish reproduction involves several different stages.