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贾斯珀缆车是加拿大最长的缆车。Jasper Tramway is Canada's longest cable car.

用来建成山顶缆车车轨的地皮当时值多少钱?How much did the land for the tramway cost at that time?

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铁道及电车道机车或其他车辆的零件。Paris of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock.

设计和建造了这座城市的首条电车轨道。The first in the city tramway was designed and constructed.

中间电车道落低到车行道以下。The center tramway portion depresses below the roadway elevation.

也可在铁路平交道口或缆车过路处黄色方格路口。Yellow box junctions can also be found at railway level crossings or tramway crossings.

三栋高楼均为深色立面,它们的蜿蜒曲线剪影与当地有轨电车相呼应。The dark shades and unbalanced silhouettes of the three tallest structures echo the tramway.

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因有奥运马拉松等赛事活动安排,前门大街著名的有轨电车暂不运行。The tramway will not be operational because Olympic marathon runners will pass along the street.

本章不包括仅可在钢轨上运行的铁道及电车道车辆。This Chapter does not cover railway or tramway rolling-stock designed solely for running on rails.

升井后经抢救无效死亡的和井下已发现遇难遗体的矿工共计73人。The deaths from ineffectual rescue after ascending the well and from underground aerial tramway count up to 73.

一座连接两座高塔的架空轨道车“天空之旅”迅速成为展会最为杰出的景点。The Sky Ride, an aerial tramway suspended across two towers, quickly became the fair's most prominent attraction.

法国南特进入了交通与发展政策研究所排名第五的位置,因其不仅将公共汽车与电车系统整合在一起,还促进了自行车交通系统的发展。Nantes made it into the ITDP's top five for its efforts to integrate bus and tramway systems while also promoting bicycling.

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法国南特进入了交通与发展政策研究所排名第五的位置,因其不仅将公共汽车与电车系统整合在一起,还促进了自行车交通系统的发展。Nantes made it into the ITDP's top five for its efforts to integrate bus and tramway systems, while also promoting bicycling.

人们发现,如果地面电车系统十分发达,运行正常,那么建造地下道作为对地面交通的补充比较有利。If a perfectly efficient surface tramway system is functioning AT the time, it is often found advantageous to extend it as a sub-pavement system.

另一方面,当仆人告诉警察和电车售票员我是诗人时,他们倒是很体谅我的心不在焉。Upon the other hand, the policeman and tramway conductor thought my absence of mind sufficiently explained when our servant told them I was a poet.

本港共有5个铁路系统,计有使用率很高的地下铁路集体运输系统、繁忙的郊区铁路、现代化的轻便铁路、传统的电车,以及山顶缆车。The five rail systems include a heavily-used mass transit system, a busy suburban railway, a modern light railway, a traditional street tramway and the Peak funicular railway.

2007年,联合国科教文组织将波尔多列为世界文化遗产,官方重新修建了地标性建筑,美化了河岸,并在市中心修了一条新的电车轨道。UNESCO listed Bordeaux as a world heritage site in 2007, and officials have renovated classic landmarks, beautified the riverfront and built a new tramway in the center of town.

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分析了桥式起重机典型事故发生机理,运用事故树分析法对桥式起重机事故发生进行了分析,从而为能够找出安全隐患,制定出最优的控制措施提供了理论上的依据。Fault Tree Analysis Method is applied to analyze typical accidents on bridge tramway in order to develop theoretical base for finding out potential risks and stipulating optimal control measures.