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愚痴的人,你戴发结有何用?What is the use of your matted hair, O witless man?

我希望你不反对我欺负那些没脑袋的人。I hope you don't object to my badgering the witless.

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“不过还是让她去吧,杰克,”可怜的傻乎乎的妻子劝着丈夫说。But do let her go, Jacky, ' coaxed his poor witless wife.

有一天,这位有勇无谋的绅士产生了一个非常古怪的念头。One day, this witless gentleman got a rather strange idea.

马儿道,“你瞧,他认为我不会说话,毫不聪明,就跟他其他的马儿一样。You see, he thinks I'm dumb and witless like his other horses.

把视角极端的一从到另一个,痛苦那里,妒忌,无才智被在此之间包装。Viewing things from one extreme perspective to another, anguish, jealous, witless were packed in between.

去看英国队向欧洲足球的落后生西班牙队缴械投降吗?Watching an insipid and familiarly witless England side capitulate to Spain, those other European rank underachievers ?

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过去的15年,愚昧而又变幻无常的繁荣时代晃花了毕业生们的眼。For the past 15 years or so, graduates have emerged blinking into the white light of a witless and capricious boom time.

所有这些年月,我一直是人的奴隶,隐藏我真正的本性,假装哑巴,假装愚蠢,假装就像他们的马儿那样。All these years I have been a slave to humans, hiding my true nature and pretending to be dumb and witless like their horses.

但他说“遵从党派路线吓唬平庸民众”的科学家是受政治动机和研究经费的驱动。But he said the scientists "frightening people witless by following the party line" are motivated by politics and research funding.

按说事件的目击者们被吓坏了,然而他们中却没有任何人逃离现场,人人都选择留下想看看接下来会发生什么。Witnesses of the event are justifiably scared witless but none of them flee the scene instead choosing to stay and see what unfolds next.

一颗炮弹炸掉了他爸爸的头,婴儿就留在爸爸的怀里,后来这孩子就变得有点愚笨。A shell took off his father’s head, and the baby was just left in the arms of his father, and this child has subsequently become sort of witless.

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翩翩被吓傻了,整个人像雕像般维持着舞蹈的动作,睁大眼睛怔怔地看着刚刚倒地的两名侍卫呆呆发愣。Scared witless , Pian-pian is simply frozen in her dance pose like a statue, as she continues to stare stupidly at the two just-fallen guards with wide-open eyes.

只有处在青春期的女孩子才能把那看成一件又囧又丑陋的事情,安娜总是在我吃午饭的桌子四周围徘徊,有时发呆有时和朋友们扯淡,对着我桌子大声宣布到“查理,克莱尔给我们说你有个巨大的弟弟啊!”Only a teenage girl could turn that revelation into a source of shame and embarrassment. Anna sauntered up to my lunch table where I sat, witless and surrounded by friends.