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这是典型的自我陶醉。It's classic narcissism.

看哪,这赤裸裸的自恋之沙。Ah, the sands of narcissism.

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但是,他们能否测出我们的自恋?But can they measure our narcissism?

这真是有些自我陶醉天真烂漫。Its a mixture of narcissism and naivety.

这是一种最高程度的自恋。This is narcissism at the highest level.

这是一种自爱、自恋的表现。This is a form of self-admiration, narcissism.

你不知道何谓佛洛依德的“自恋狂学说”?You don't know what Narcissism of Sigmund Freud is! ?

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对镜子笑是自恋还是自卑哦?Be narcissism to specular laugh be still self- abased ?

自恋常以镜像之恋、同性之恋等方式表现。Narcissism is often performed as mirror Love, homosexuality.

常发短信是心神不定的征兆、自恋,还是两者都是?Is Constant Texting a Sign of Insecurity, Narcissism or Both?

所有的社交媒介都包括着自恋者和窥探者。All social media involve a mixture of narcissism and voyeurism.

我们怎样培养我们孩子的安全感而不会产生自恋呢?How do we build security in our kids without breeding narcissism?

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既能弥漫的让人流连忘返,又能氤氲着使人自我陶醉。Both diffuse hard to forget, but also dense with people narcissism.

他们是虚荣的、神经过敏的、自恋而又自卑的。Both of them are peacockish, sensitive, narcissism and self-contempt.

凯鲁亚克和他周围人物的集体自我陶醉欲最终使人厌烦不已。The collective narcissism of the Kerouac circle is ultimately boring.

我首先为这一篇自我放纵、自我陶醉的文字道歉。I do apologize in advance for this piece of self-indulgent narcissism.

可怕的是,在太多情况下,交易的达成都是出于自负或自恋。It is scary how often deals are done for reasons of ego or narcissism.

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不过最让评论家厌烦的还是表象之下的自恋。But it’s the ostensible narcissism that has irritated critics the most.

该七宗罪约俗世自我放纵和自恋。The seven deadly sins are about earthly self-indulgence and narcissism.

被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.