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删除无关紧要的空话。Slough off unimportant verbiage.

毫无疑问,我这啰嗦的解释最终变得冗长无比。Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose.

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即使限制在一推140个字,也有很大一部分是废话。Even in little 140-character bites, that's a lot of verbiage.

相比措辞来说,与数学和几何形状关系更大。It has more to do with math, geometrical shapes, than verbiage.

不会有任何标志,或将这些抽象的空话设计的集成。There will be no logos, or verbiage integrated into these abstract designs.

空话,因为他是未经编辑的,有时要读他的刑期超过一次。Because his verbiage is unedited, it is sometimes necessary to read his sentences more than once.

读者和搜索引擎都不喜欢重复第二遍。Readers don’t want to see the same verbiage twice, and search engines won’t like the repetition either.

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这是他们的传播媒介,同时他们也利用复杂晦涩的词句给自己创造必要的刺激。It is their medium and utilization of complex verbiage creates essential stimulatory excitation for them.

这个曾使人敬畏的词如何变成几乎毫无意义的措辞并被用来指称任何甚至只是稍微有点像样的事物?How did this once-awe-inspiring word become a nearly meaningless bit of verbiage referring to anything even mildly good?

所有这些使得通过创建地图解释一些总量变得更容易――结果可以一目了然――如果不用这种方式,可能需要几页的表格或者冗长的文字。All this has made it much easier to create maps that explain—at a glance—something that might otherwise require pages of tables or verbiage.

但在中国,这种爱国主义言论也让人们想起了并不遥远的过去,当时不同看法的公开言论几乎都受到了禁止。But in China, such patriotic verbiage is also a reminder of times -- not entirely departed -- when little other public speech was permitted.

长老们用“平行的管理当局”这样的带有分裂意思的空话,在圣徒面前来抹黑23位寻求主地圣徒。The elders used verbiage such as "parallel administration" to baselessly paint the 23 saints seeking of the Lord as divisiveness before all the saints.

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什么是原创的内容,我这里也不多废话了,假如你不懂是我的错,我不应该写这个文章给你。What is the content that achieves formerly, here also not verbiage , if you do not know the fault that is me, I should not write this article to give you.

由于对原文的质朴简洁缺乏认识以及没能正确使用本国语言,译者使用了不少不符合汉语习惯用法的冗词赘语,以致无法传达出原文优美的语言特征。Fang Ping loses himself in verbiage which does not tally with the Chinese usage, so that he fails to convey the simple and graceful language characteristic of the original.

由于对简洁优美的原文缺乏认识以及没能正确使用本国语言,译者使用了不少不符合汉语习惯的冗词赘语,以致无法传达出原文优美凝练的语言特征。Fang Ping loses himself in verbiage which does not tally with the Chinese usage, so that he fails to convey the simple and graceful language characteristics of the original.

这个精力充沛魅力无限的家伙同时也是一个很会鼓动人心的激励大师,甚至在他的平常对话中,经典的语句也常常脱口而出。This man with boundless energy and charisma is also a master of hype, hyperbole and the catchy phrase. And even when he’s trying to talk normally, brilliant verbiage comes tumbling out.