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抢球者经常会使一个更优秀的网球运动员紧张。Scramblers can often unnerve a better tennis player.

但是中国的军力增长却使邻国和地区对手神经紧张。But China’s military advances do unnerve neighbours and regional rivals.

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给来宾帐户添加“跟随眼睛”这个跟随鼠标移动的工具可以着实吓人一跳。Unnerve guest users by adding the roving eyes that follow mouse movements.

布鲁克林区的居民简·麦肯纳说,她没有让铺天盖地的媒体报导使自己焦躁不安。Brooklyn resident Jean McKenna said she did not let extensive media coverage unnerve her.

一位东京的iReporter说频繁的余震吓坏了她的孩子。Nicky Washida, an iReporter in Tokyo, said the frequent aftershocks unnerve her children.

乔布斯最初隐瞒了病情,但是愈加明显的消瘦让投资者开始失去信心。Jobs initially hid his illness but his startling weight loss started to unnerve his investors.

对于这件由出生在华沙的艺术家创作的雕塑作品,美术馆认为参观者很可能会感到精神紧张、惶惶不安。The Warsaw-born artist has created a piece that the gallery fully expects will unnerve and unsettle visitors.

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但是,此类措施可能令金融市场焦躁不安,因市场希望未来数月后形势更加明朗.But such measures would likely unnerve financial markets looking for more certainty beyond the next few months.

银行股重挫可让政策制定者不安,因为银行在存款人和借款人之间起着关键的桥梁作用。Plunging bank stocks can unnerve policy makers, because banks serve as a crucial link between savers and borrowers.

尽管如此,虽然匈牙利很有可能同希腊一样,令国际投资者望而生畏,但其国内政治却因此而受益。Nonetheless, while likening Hungary to Greece may unnerve international investors, the comparison has domestic political merits.

尽管每家银行的贷款帐面有所不同,但如果其他银行不能大举提高准备金率,就很可能会令投资者感到紧张。While every bank's loan book is different, failure by other banks to post substantial increases in this reserve ratio could well unnerve investors.

在Google搜索结果中添加机票信息,可以让旅行者在制定行程的过程中更多地利用这些应用程序,这有可能对其它机票网站构成威胁。Incorporating fares into Google search results would keep customers more engaged in its applications while they plan for travel, a prospect that could unnerve other fare sites.

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欧元的威信备受威胁,而让希腊自力救济可能令市场更加不安.届时问题可能会延烧至西班牙或萄葡牙等其他欧元区国家.The euro's credibility is threatened, and leaving Greece to fend for itself could unnerve markets further. Problems could then spread to other euro zone states such as Spain or Portugal.

无论何时,人们讨论切尔西、利物浦和欧冠时,争论焦点总在于何赛·穆里尼奥的穆家军如何对付两年前让他们心力交瘁的安菲尔德红军。Whenever Chelsea, Liverpool and the European Cup are discussed, the question is always how Jose Mourinho's side will cope with an Anfield crowd that appeared to unnerve them two years ago.

但美国共和党会认为这是一个诅咒而选择废止,而这对于茶叶党来说尤为特殊,也许还会扰动许多亚洲人的神经,这部分人多担忧日益增长的中国军力。But such approaches are anathema to the US Republican Party, and to its Tea Party faction in particular, and they might unnerve the many Asians who are nervous at China’s growing military might.