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与李梅亭顾尔谦等为伍,就是可耻的堕落。Associating with people like Li Mei-t'ing and Ku Er-chien was such a shameful debasement.

所以,战争时期通常是,严重的通货膨胀,和货币改造的时期。So war time periods were typically periods of great inflation and debasement of the currency.

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我们的产品一定和送给你们的样品一样好,我保证质量绝对不会降低。Our products are always as good as the samples we send, I can promise there will be no debasement of quality.

在这一点上,政治与语言的变低陋的特殊联系变得清晰了。It is at this point that the special connection between politics and the debasement of language becomes clear.

因此,我们的债主对于美元最终贬值的担心越发不无道理。Thus, our creditors' nervousness about the eventual debasement of the U.S. dollar has some increasing validity.

当政府试图通过货币贬值给予出口商们好处时,他们正在承担贬值大战的风险。When governments try to confer an advantage to their exporters through currency depreciation, they risk a war of debasement.

尼采争辩到基督罪责运作,提名的期望,期望他们因,自我贬损部分而被偷。Nietzsche argues that Christian guilt operates nominative expectations that they have been stolen by his partion for self debasement.

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对于货币贬值来说,实物资产的敏感性远低于革新或各类知识等无形资产。Physical assets least vulnerable to monetary debasement win out over less tangible investments of the innovative or knowledge variety.

这与这些地区传统的家庭结构,对女性的歧视和权力剥夺有关。It has to do with the structure of the traditional family in these regions, with its debasement and with the disenfranchisement of women.

随后发生的货币贬值,就是央行抑制利率这一无限权力在经济上的毁灭性结果。The ensuing debasement of the currency is the economically devastating outcome of central banks' unlimited power to suppress the interest rate.

降低货币的成色不无法迫使商业活动,像接受较重的旧币一样,接受较轻新币,认为它们有同样的购买力。Debasement of the coinage was unable to force commercial practice to attribute to the new and lighter coins the same purchasing power as the old and heavier coins.

基于人力资本理论,研究人力资本产权的私有性、人力资本产权残缺的自贬性、人力资本产权的依附性以及人力资本产权的不可抵押性。According to the Human Capital Theory, we argue that the human capital has the nature of private ownership, handicapped self- debasement , dependence and un-mortgage.

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用荣天,您将获得以高智能的服务,帮助客户进行纳税筹划,合理避税,合法降低资金损耗,高效、及时、顺畅的工作效率。You will achieve strong ability service. We will help you design ratepaying, reasonable tax mitigation, debasement of money ullage, which display our work efficiency.

或者我们可以天真的认为,大部分民选的官员们对于美联储降低通货价值的政策以及其在历史上发挥的作用真的就一无所知?Or are we to take the naïve position that most elected officials really are clueless about the Fed's policy of currency debasement and the effects such policies have had in history?

通货膨胀是最重要的事情,根据很多观点,因为美联储必须保证,货币供应的稳固,并且在历史上有太多的例子,当中央银行允许,通过通货膨胀改造货币。Inflation is the most important thing according to many views because the Fed has to guarantee the soundness of the money supply -- and there have been so many cases in history when the central bank allowed debasement of the currency through inflation.