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没有人评判他的工作。No one judges his job.

那谁是这些法官Well, who are these judges?

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同意对法官实行选举。Agreed on election of judges.

台下评判员如何记分?How do the judges score a bout?

那么谁能判断什么是恶呢?Who, then, judges what is evil?

十指连心是一种浪漫。Ten judges is a kind of romance.

美国设计优秀奖是如何评审的?How are judges selected for IDEA?

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这样,他们就要断定你们的是非。So then, they will be your judges.

我们自己就是很好的判官。We ourselves are the better judges.

全面提高法官素质。Improve judges quality all- snidely.

评判人授予她奖品。The judges awarded the prize to her.

他们应扮演教练员,而非法官的角色。They need to be coaches, not judges.

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每个裁判所由两名法官组成。Each tribunal consists of two judges.

四月时,选出最终的九份建议。Judges chose nine finalists in April.

也许会指派额外的IFSC裁判员。Additional IFSC Judges may be appointed.

当士师统治以色列的时代。In the days when the judges ruled Israel.

审判人员可以讯问被告人。The judges may interrogate the defendant.

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要始终记住你的重点对象是评委。Always remember your key object is judges.

在地上果有施行判断的神。Surely there is a God who judges on earth!

但评判员必须用电子邮件与她联系。But the judges had to contact her by email.