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你们喜欢我的那些安踏赛前家当吗?What you all think of my Anta Swag?

圣诞老人被认为是流浪汉。Santa is also known as the Swag Man.

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只要愿意,任何人都可以很摇滚!Anyone can hit the swag if they want to.

澳大利亚蓝山的蓝山私人旅行豪华露营Blue Mountains Private Safaris Luxury Swag Camp, Blue Mountains, Australia

据说它已经将战果献呈于首相秘书脚下。He is believed to have dropped his swag at the feet of the prime minister's secretaries.

这里也包括将公开赃物重新工作的劳动和模式或样品制作服务。Also included here will be open swag re-work labor and pattern or sample making services.

产品简介要经营人造花、人造果、长滕等工艺品、圣诞装饰品等。We mainly produce artificial flowers artificial fruits . garland twig . swag Christmas decoration etc.

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免费的许可证最先会派发给一些高污染行业,如水泥、钢铁及炼铝,但不包括煤炭。A swag of free permits initially will go to big polluting industries, such as concrete, steel and aluminium, but not coal.

与其穿阿曼尼的衣服出门,盖茨走的是懒散整洁的路线,在抽屉里摆满各个色调的V领衫。Rather than swag out in Armani suits, Gates takes the lazy preppy approach, opting for a drawer full of V-necks in every hue.

躺在澳式摇床上,在星空下小憩。或者在一个时髦的带有罩盖的日式蒲团上滚来滚去。Sleep under the stars in an Aussie-style swag bed or sleeping roll given a chic upgrade with a canopied futon-style platform base.

虽然对他们来说四周一片死寂,几乎伸手不见五指,但他们通过触摸仍然能用复杂的化学信号出色的交流。现在的消息出去找一个大“黑货”。Death and virtually blind, they nonetheless communicate brilliantly through touch and complicated chemical signals. And now the message goes out to a big swag.

两青年因与老同学在悉尼西部近奥兰芝的地方聚会,夜晚睡在行囊内露宿路边,被一辆皮卡车碾过,抢救无效,双双死亡。Two teenagersaccidentally run over by a ute as they slept in a swag at a party withold school friends near Orange, west of Sydney, have now both died inhospital.

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举个简单例子,如果在几年前我还是一名架构师的时候,有人要求我给新任务做一个粗略估算,我会毫不犹豫。As a simple example, I wouldn't have hesitated twice if a couple of years ago, I was asked to take a swag estimate at what it would take to build something new, in my then role as an architect.

我们专注于物理模型转化为您的数字极为细致的模型,可作为设计验证,高端赃物模式,为客户或团队成员,或身体道具使用。We specialize in turning your digital models into incredibly detailed physical models to be used as maquettes for design validation, high-end swag for clients or team members, or physical props.