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难道你不能让这些孩子安静一点吗?Can't you quieten those children down?

静下心来继续工作吧。Quieten down and get on with your work.

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那个想要生气的人,他或许会安静下来。Who wants to get angry, he might quieten down.

让孩子们安静下来,我都听不见自己讲话了。Quieten those children , I can not hear myself.

贝茨先生知道试着使他们安静下来是没有用的。Mr. Bates knew it was useless trying to quieten them.

让孩子们安静下来,我都听不见自己讲话了。Quieten those children down , I can not hear myself talk.

少看电视吧,你会发现你的头脑开始变得安静。Watch less TV, and you’ll notice your mind begin to quieten.

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老师来到教室时你们必须安静下来。You must quieten down when the teacher comes into the classroom.

据说,从羚羊角上刮下一些粉末用水冲服,可以起到养肝、退烧的作用。Horn shavings, boiled in water, are said to quieten the liver and quell fevers.

每天抽出一点时间,让自己澄心静虑,使心灵宁静。Take a little time every day to quieten your heart giving your heart tranquility.

但是,在愤怒之时,将这一切平息下来,不同的行动就会出现。But quieten all this in the presence of anger, and a different action takes place.

一开始,它要成为持续的抚慰心灵的方式还需要一定的习惯。Initially, it will take some getting used to to become still and quieten the mind.

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她的项目团队正试图寻找一种世界范围内通行的手势,来使电话响铃声静音。Her team is trying to find an internationally acceptable gesture to quieten a ringing phone.

如果他们开始沉静,你手远离你的想法是解决婴儿本身。If they start to quieten , take your hand away – the idea is for your baby to settle itself.

未觉醒的人必须学习去引导、控制和平息思想。The unawakened must learn to direct, to control and to quieten thoughts by ruling over them.

孩子们会安静下来,然后开始观看这头紫色大恐龙即将上演的表演。The kids would quieten down and start watching the show the big purple dinosaur was putting on.

他们很清楚缓和区域种族矛盾的唯一方法是扩大经济联盟范围。They very well know that only way to quieten religious passion in the region is to seek broader economic alliance.

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如果你不能让这些东西静音,或者去到更有利于思考的地方,至少,你必须有一副耳塞准备着。If you can't quieten things down or go somewhere more conducive to contemplation, you must at least get some earplugs.

使自己的情感和想法冷静下来,并尽量保持这种状态,自然会唤起所有的能力和力量。Just quieten your feelings and thoughts and try to stay in this peace. All the abilities and powers awaken spontaneously.

但是当当地官员祈求事情会很快平息下来的时候,一些游客表示,在这样一个骚乱时期来雅典游玩其实很兴奋。But as local officials keep their fingers crossed that things will quieten down soon, some tourists say they're actually excited to be in Athens during such turbulent times.