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现在,中国希望压制民族主义。Now, China wants to tamp such nationalism down.

汤姆帮着用他软湿的拳头把土捣结实。Tom helps her tamp the soil with his squidgy fists.

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在容器中捣实咖啡粉来煮浓咖啡。Tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso.

周一,白宫试图降低人们对这次会议的预期。On Monday, the White House aimed to tamp down expectations.

人们把土填到这个小墓穴中,夯实。The boys shovel dirt onto the small grave and tamp it down.

用传统的咖啡机,你需要亲自动手去磨,捣和定好豆子的量。The manual machines require you to grind, dose and tamp your own beans.

装上炸药之后,他把一根长长的铁棍伸进去,想把炸药捣实。The powder in place, he rammed a long iron rod to tamp down the charge.

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第一步上项目,夯实发展基础。第二步快发展,壮大经济总量。The first step is to set up programs in order to tamp the development foundation.

但是中国政府也开始努力将此事的影响往下压。But the Chinese government also appears to be trying to tamp down interest in the case.

同样,官员们也在努力减少奶农对负面新闻的担忧。Officials also tried to tamp down anxiety from dairy farmers concerned about bad press.

针对房地产等过热行业的信贷抑制行政措施也已经通过表决。Administrative measures to tamp down lending to overheated sectors such as real estate were also enacted.

虽然失业率具高不下且违约率也在上升,借款人还是对贷款乐此不疲。In spite of highunemployment and growing default rates, borrowers have yet to tamp theirappetite for loans.

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同时,阅读自己的专业书籍,夯实专业基本功。Meanwhile, read the books having something to do with our specialty so as to tamp the basic skills in speciality.

介绍了用炸药爆炸方法使船用舾装码头水下抛石基床密实的新技术。The paper introduces a new technology of explosion to tamp the underwater stone-tossing base of ship outfitting quay.

奥巴马也在寻求平息围绕他的支持者退役将军魏斯利•克拉克言论的辩论。Obama is also seeking to tamp down the controversies surrounding comments made by his supporter, retired Gen. Wesley Clark.

能够比较彻底的置换淤泥层,夯实堆石体,形成符合设计要求的各部位尺寸及深度。And it can replace silt more thoroughly, tamp enrockment and form the size and depth of every part according with the design.

此前中国政府推出了旨在从金融系统中进一步回笼资金的新措施,以此遏制通货膨胀。The drop came after the government announced steps to remove cash from the financial system in an attempt to tamp down inflation.

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吞吐几口之后表面会产生烟灰,这时边吸边用压棒配合着均匀地沿着斗壁向下压实烟草。After a few puffs to develop an ash, and while continuing to draw, tamp the tobacco down evenly all around the bowl with a tamper.

球囊扩张骨水泥加强内固定术治疗老年骨质疏松性股骨颈骨折的临床初步报告。Clinical efficacy of inflatable bone tamp with bone cement in treatment of femoral neck fracture in old patients with osteoporosis.

在运转正常的情况下,当身体从食物吸收脂肪进来之后,荷尔蒙就会将身体细胞的信号传递给大脑,从而降低食欲。When working properly, the hormone, which is made when body cells take in fat from food, travels to the brain to tamp down appetite.