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这辆是空车吗?Is this cab available?

一辆一尘不染的出租车停在面前。A spotless cab pulled up.

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之后,我走出夜总会,钻入一家出租车。I got into the first cab that came.

结果当天我就把眼镜落在了出租车上。I left them in a cab that very day.

小客车跟计程车,那种便宜呢?。Which is. cheaper, limousine or cab?

一个男人在街上被出租车撞倒送进了医院。A man was hit by a cab in the street.

最后一晚,她是坐出租车来的。That last evening, she had come by cab.

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最好在出租公司订一辆车。We'd better book a cab from a taxi company.

那您就只提交.cab文件签名即可。You can submit the . cab alone for signing.

他们租定了一辆可乘三人的出租汽车。They decided on a cab which would seat three.

从这里到机场的出租车费要多少?What's the cab fare from here to the airport?

可拆卸出租车驾驶执照方便屋顶部分。Removable cab roof section for ease of driving.

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库马思招了辆出租车,直奔市区。Kugelmass hailed a cab and sped off to the city.

如果他们不打开计价器,那就再换个出租车。If they do not turn on the meter get another cab.

但是我肯定我们多给了出租车司机小费。But I definitely think we over-tipped the cab driver.

那是一台黄色计程车上面贴有黑色贴纸。It was a yellow cab with a black sticker on the body.

我陪小伙走到马路边,等待一辆出租公司的出租车停下。I walked him to the avenue and waited for a fleet cab.

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出租车停靠点在市中心的任何角落都有设立。Cab stations are located everywhere in the city centre.

托尔曼和夏普的办公室,他的驾驶室又停了下来。His cab stopped again at the offices of Tolman & Sharp.

他坐的出租车再次停在托尔曼和夏普律师事务所前。His cab stopped again at the offices of Tolman & Sharp.