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就这样过着悠游放荡的生活。In this way live swimming dissolute life.

桀是个极端残暴,放荡的人。Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute.

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我怕自己善变放荡的情绪不太安定。I'm afraid your fickle dissolute mood is not stable.

你甚至不能想象年轻一代已经变得多么的风流!You cannot even imagine how dissolute the youth has become!

茶叶粒度越小,越有利于茯砖茶氟的溶出。The smaller the size of tea, the easier fluorine to dissolute.

再放荡不羁的漂泊者,总有想家的时候。Again dissolute drift on water unruly, always there is time of homesick.

要是她谈起她的风流韵事来,你就别想岔开她的话题。It's difficult to head her off when she talked about her dissolute life.

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他们之间的东西平均保留德国和放荡意大利。They are something average between the reserved German and dissolute Italians.

事实上,此期修道女性中风流人物只占少数。In fact, dissolute female Taoists are few in Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties.

你不能否认汤姆是个游手好闲、一钱不值、放荡无耻的坏蛋。You can't deny that tom has been an idle worthless dissolute and dishonorable rogue.

戈林没大没小,经常想坐在摇动木马上理发,这让纳粹统帅部觉得面上无光,却拿他没办法。Goering was a dissolute and often wanted to sit on the hobbyhorse to get his haircuts.

他是代表作为巨大的规模和实力,因为狡猾,恶性肿瘤,以及腐化堕落。He is represented as of immense size and strength, as cunning, malignant, and dissolute.

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世上有许多美人,他们有过放荡的青春,却迎受着愧悔的晚年。There are many beauties, who had a dissolute youth, was welcomed by the part of old age.

英国有位美貌风流的女演员,曾写信向肖伯纳求婚。Once a beautiful and dissolute British actress wrote to propose marriage to Bernard Shaw.

桀是个极端残暴、放荡的人,他激起了人民的极度不满。Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute. This aroused great resentment among the people.

我是一个俗人,形骸放浪惯了,改不了也不想改。I am a vulgar person, the skeleton used to dissolute , can't change also don't want to change.

我们必须消除在老与少、男与女、高贵与低俗之间的任何差别。We must make no distinction between young and old, male or female, distinguished or dissolute.

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我还听说他生活放荡不羁,但这也许只是恶意的谣言。I have also heard that he leads a dissolute lifestyle, but that is probably just a nasty rumor.

妮利结过两次婚,第一次嫁给了一个风流的外交官,外交官死后给他留下了大笔财富,使她成为一个有钱的女人。Nellie was married twice, the first time to a dissolute diplomat whose death left her a wealthy woman.

英国艺术家达米恩•赫斯特早年的出位生活丝毫没有妨碍他成为当今世界的超级艺术明星。Damian Hurst 's dissolute early life has done no harm to his status as a superstar in art circles today.