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千岁暖。千分之一的温暖。Chitose warm. Thousandth of warmth.

一微米是一毫米的千分之一。A micrometer is one thousandth of one millimeter.

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我们总是用千分号表示千分数。We always use per thousand sign to express a thousandth.

它们的生产成本只是进口钻石刀具的千分之一。Their cost is only one thousandth of imported diamond tool.

我是第1万名顾客,所以我的晚餐免单。I was the ten thousandth customer, so my dinner was on the house.

每天支付合同总金额的千分之一。Each day we will be charged for one thousandth of the contract amount.

高中的太多人,连他们的万分之一也没有。Too many people in high school, even one ten thousandth of them did not.

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在我的记忆之中,有几千次,我一直会会想起我抱怨的那天晚上In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the night my young voice complained

它们的生产成本只是进口钻石刀具的千分之一。The production cost of them is only one thousandth of that of the imported diamond cutters.

为什么给我这本污损过的伪经,这第一千次的抄本,笨拙的伪造?Why do you give me this tainted Apocrypha , this thousandth copy, this inept falsification?

解码时通过重构第一千张量化表来重建原图像。In decoding, the one thousandth quantized table is reconstructed to rebuild the original image.

雷远和简怡押运着简家出坛的第六十万坛酒,往家里赶。LeiYuan and JianYi escort six hundred thousandth Janes family altar altar wine, into the house.

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肉眼并不能看见这个装置,它的粗细只有一根头发丝的千分之一。The device is invisible to the naked eye and is about one thousandth of a strand of human hair.

今天是第六十万坛酒出窖的大日子,事件紧迫,耽搁不得。Today is the six hundred thousandth altar wine cellars big day, the event urgent, shall not delay.

由于我已经被误解过上千次了,在进一步阐述之前,请允许我再次说明我的立场。Before I go any further, and I'm misinterpreted for the thousandth time, let me spell out once again what my position is.

“听着,老太婆,”希金波坦威胁道,“我给你说过无数退了,铺子里的事你别瞎操心。"Now look here, old woman, " Higginbotham bullied, "for the thousandth time I've told you to keep your nose out of the business.

测试表明,基于PAL的进程虚拟机,其平均响应时间仅为类WINE虚拟机的千分之一。Test results show the average responding time of PAL-based virtual machines is about one thousandth of WINE-like virtual machines.

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相比之下,那些处于高纬度并照亮天空的艳丽极光所提供给粒子的能量不到前者的千分之一。In contrast, the colorful auroras that light up the skies at high latitudes are powered by particles with less than one thousandth as much energy.

可能发生某种反应的临界值也许不到可能致命剂量的千分之一,那么,你在哪里划这条线呢?The threshold level at which some kind of reaction can occur may be less than a thousandth of a potentially fatal dose, so where do you draw the line?

令人吃惊的图像证实了DNA折纸过程中有效地产生埃舍尔式的莫比乌斯带测量超过千分之一的人类头发的宽度减少。The startling images confirm that the DNA origami process efficiently produced Escher-like Möbius strips measuring less than a thousandth the width of a human hair.