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但是,火箭燃料?But rocket fuel?

人类可以制造宇宙火箭。Man can made space rocket.

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他们发出了一枚呼救信号火箭。They sent a distress rocket.

嗖的一声火箭上了天。Up went the rocket into the sky.

你是干什么的,火箭专家么?What are you, a rocket scientist?

他其实是一个火箭专家。He is actually a rocket scientist.

他被一支箭射伤了。He is shot the injury by a rocket.

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火箭高高飞入云端。The rocket ascended into the cloud.

火箭部队的控制中心。The rocket division control center.

但是对我来说,名气就像火箭燃料。But for me fame is like rocket fuel.

开始全弹发射!Chopper Commencing full rocket fire!

火箭穿过太空。The rocket pierced through the space.

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一枚火箭把一名宇航员送入太空。A rocket blasted a spaceman into space.

我都不知道火箭叶还能说话。I never knew a rocket leaf could speak.

火箭击穿了敌人的坦克。The rocket penetrated the enemy's tank.

这颗卫星是由水箭发射的。The satellite was launched in a rocket.

这颗卫星是装在火箭上发射的。The satellite was launched in a rocket.

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鸪尾先生有一个小玩意儿叫火箭。Doctor Quill has a toy called The Rocket.

这枚宇宙火箭运载了两颗卫星。This space rocket carries two satellites.

美国海豹直升机被塔利班击落。Seals' copter shot down by Taliban rocket.